How to Protect Our Skin From UV Radiation to Prevent the Melanoma Skin Cancer

We should learn to protect our skin conscientiously from ultraviolet radiation because an excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of getting melanoma. To protect ourselves from burning, reducing the risk of melanoma skin cancer or other skin diseases, we should use appropriate clothing, sunscreens and a gradual and responsible exposure to the sun. A natural tan can also protect us from UV light.

Use of Clothing

In the hours of the day when solar radiation is very high, we have to use protective clothing, glasses, hats, etc., because applying only sunscreen products on the skin may not protect us sufficiently.
The clothing not only acts as a barrier against UV rays, but often allows a better heat combating thanks to the thin layer of air that provides an insulation between the garment and the skin.
However, factors like the moisture, the clothes color, the clothes material, influence the transmission of UV radiation through the tissue.

A dry suit, for example, has a greater protective effect than a wet one. Light-colored clothes are known to absorb ultraviolet rays to a lesser degree than dark ones. Light colored clothes on the other hand, have a greater effect against infrared rays. Cotton has a lower protective factor (10) than silk (160) and blue jeans (1500).

These days, in the market are available some clothes with a calculated protective factor, but it can be sufficient to choose light-colored and tightly-woven ones for a greater protection effect.

Sunscreens and Sunblocks

The most commonly used remedy for not giving up the pleasure of a normal tan, are without doubt sunscreens and sunblocks. Nevertheless, no sunscreen product is able to provide the protection that can be achieved by using suitable clothing or avoiding sunlight exposure at certain hours of the day. The first sunscreens were used to protect the skin only from UVB rays because in the past UVA rays were thought to be safe. These days, modern sunscreens contain some shielding and filtering substances that protect from both UVA and UVB radiation.

Natural Tan

The tan is stimulated by UVB rays. It absorbs more than 70 percent of UV radiation, but has a lesser effect with each passing year. However, the tan can also have negative effects. In fact, when it's intense, it can eliminate the alarm signal represented by the burning sensation, allowing the individual to be exposed to sunlight for longer periods. He will not burn, but after several years, the effects of the chronic exposure to UV rays will appear. Therefore, protection should also be performed in the presence of a natural tan.

If you want more information about skin diseases such as the melanoma skin cancer, in my website ( you'll find pictures of melanoma, symptoms, risk factors, treatment of melanoma, etc.

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Prostate Cancer - Prostate Protectors

Studies show that fruit and vegetables, especially tomatoes, play a special role in prostate health. A large Harvard study showed that men who ate ten or more servings of tomatoes or tomato products per week had a 35 percent reduction in prostate cancer risk, so don't be shy about taking a few extra tomatoes from the salad bar or having a second helping of marinara sauce on your pasta. Tomatoes and all fruits are naturally high in fiber, with complex and intricate mixtures of vitamins and minerals. But the real credit probably goes to lycopene, the red pigment that gives tomatoes their color. It is a cousin of beta-carotene and an even more powerful antioxidant.

Most people have been enjoying spaghetti with tomato sauce since childhood. Keep up the healthy habit and experiment with "grown-up" versions by adding garlic, onions, peppers, or other delights of the garden. Lycopene is best absorbed when the tomatoes have been cooked, meaning that spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, or tomato paste used in soup are all particularly good sources. Even ketchup contains some valuable prostate-protecting benefits, but make sure to add it to veggie-burgers or baked potato "fries" (sweet, russet, or new) instead of the usual suspects.

Each time you shop, throw a basket of strawberries in your cart. There's lycopene there, too. You can enjoy them on whole-grain pancakes, in your cereal, or even in a smoothie with bananas, orange juice, blueberries, or any of your other favorite fruits. Add a splash of soy milk for a creamy consistency.

Diets high in vegetables of all shapes, sizes, and colors have proven their worth in decreasing prostate cancer risk, so don't hesitate to try a new variety each week. Don't worry, the crust can be bought ready-made and, in just minutes, you'll have a warm, healthy meal. If you're feeling famished, your tomato soup need not be "smooth." Mix in chopped carrots, spinach, corn, beans, or little potato cubes into your bowl of lycopene liquid. Or, if smooth soup is still your favorite, throw a bunch of veggies such as celery, peppers, or squash into the blender and then add the puree for a powerful prostate protector. Add a whole grain roll, and you've taken your vitamins.

Prostate cancer is a dangerous disease. And be aware of cancer and breast cancer symptoms.

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SPF in Sunscreen - The Basics

SPF stands for 'sun protection factor'. Basically, the SPF in sunscreen protects your skin from cancer causing UV rays by multiplying your natural defense against the rays. Sounds confusing, but it's not. Here's how it works - If you burn easily and can generally only last 10 minutes in the sun, a sunscreen with SPF 15 will in theory protect you for 15 times more than your natural protection time, so in this case you will protected against UV rays for 150 minutes. That is however a theoretical time - it doesn't take into account sweating, swimming, or wearing clothes - or any other factor that might rub the sunscreen off or impede it's benefits.

Another thing to note is that once you've used your protection time (the theoretical 150 minutes), another dose of sunscreen will not add more protection during that day. In this case if you've been outside in the sun for your 'protected' time minutes you are best to avoid sun for at least the remainder of the day to avoid getting burnt.

On the subject of burning, there are 2 types of UV (ultraviolet) rays that can cause cancer: UVA & UVB.

UVA are sun rays that cause our skin to tan and wrinkle and over time will produce age posts and skin sagging. Although not as powerful as the UVB rays, it can penetrate more deeply into the skin. UVB are shorter, more powerful ultraviolet radiations from sunlight. UVB is responsible for sunburn - It affects the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and is a major contributor to development of skin cancer. The best sunscreens protect from both UVA & UVB rays.

Different parts of the world have variable burn times depending on how strong the ozone layer is in that party of the world. New Zealand for example has a 'hole' over it and burn times can be very fast.

When it comes to SPF in sunscreen it is recommended you use the highest protecting sunscreen product whenever you are outside - even in winter or when it is a cloudy day. brings you everything you could ever want to know about SPF in suncreen, sunblock or suncream.

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What Are the Important Risk Factors About Melanoma?

In case you are not aware, melanoma is a very malignant tumor that is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells called melanocytes, the pigment producing cells. While it is usually referred as a type of skin cancer, it can and does occur in other body organs.

Although it is much less common than either basal cell and squamous cell cancers, it is still remains the cause of the greatest number of skin cancer-related deaths.

Over exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun can have very damaging effects on the DNA in the skin cells. Once the DNA becomes damaged, there is a greater incidence of cancerous changes that will develop in the affected cells.

Moles start out as benign tumors, composed of melanocytes and these can become cancerous.

The critical points to look for are changes in the size or shape:

1. Has the mole developed an irregular edge?
2. Is the mole getting darker or showing multiple shades?
3. Is there any presence of inflammation, itching or bleeding?
4. Is there any growth of a crusty surface?

If you notice any of the signs or multiple signs, you need to see a physician immediately. Any individual who has numerous abnormal moles is more likely to develop melanoma.

Individuals who have fair skin, especially with red hair, are also at a higher risk. If your skin is highly freckled, you are also at a greater risk for the disease. People who have darker skin pigmentation, have greater natural protection.

If there is a family history of malignant melanoma, especially a mother, father, brother or sister, this factor significantly increases the risk. Statistically, individuals who have a primary relative diagnosed with melanoma, will develop it themselves.

The best preventative measures are careful monitoring for any changes in your skin, minimizing your exposure to the sun during the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, wear protective clothing if you must be out in the sun and when you go swimming, you must use some type of sunscreen.

Melanoma must be diagnosed at the earliest stages, so they treatment can be initiated. If it is NOT diagnosed early and treated, it can easily spread to other parts of the body and be fatal.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was diagnosed early and surgically removed.

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Protecting Against Skin Cancer

Most individuals think that skin cancer is only a minor health problem. Nevertheless, in North American region, a person dies from this kind of cancer one in every hour. This is very sad because much of skin cancer can be prevented or cured when discovered on its early stage. Here is some advice on protecting your skin and preventing this type of cancer.

Cancer of the skin occurs when cells of malignant nature develop in the outer layers of the skin, most especially in portions that are unprotected from the sun like the arms, hands, neck, & face.

The top causes of this condition is spending much time exposed to the sun particularly those living in a sunny environment all year round. Experiencing sunburn is a sign that your exposure to the sun is excessive. Artificial sources of UV (ultraviolet) radiation such as tanning salons & sunlamps are the most areas taken for granted. Fair skinned individuals mainly blonds or red heads are most vulnerable. A profusion of freckles or moles is also susceptible to cancer. A history of this condition in your family will be a good warning.

To protect yourself from the sun, stay under canopies or awnings on days when the sun is full strength and utilize a sun block with SPF-15 or higher even in the winter season. Wrap your bare skin, use long sleeves, wear a wide-brimmed hat, etc. Check your moles for growth or changes in its outer shell & for sensitivity once every month. Make regular appointments with your family physician or a dermatologist if you have a history in the family.

The treatment depends on what type of skin cancer it is, the location and size of the tumor & your over-all health. The cancer may have reached deep into the skin or metastasized to other places in the body. Treatment ranges from surgery to chemotherapy to radiation therapy to immunotherapy, which targets the tumor specifically.

The most common type of skin cancer is the basal cell carcinoma where the lesions occur on the neck or head in persons that are 40 yrs old and above. It materializes as a tiny pearl-colored bump that increases in size and may bleed at the slightest irritation. This can be fatal resulting in death.

Squamous cell carcinoma crops up on individuals 50 yrs old and above whose skins have been damaged by the sun. The tumor will show up as flat & red, and progress into raised scaly mounds. This cancer is the commonest non-melanomic form and can originate from tumors on the lip, ear, or during suppression of the immune system as in kidney transplant patients. It is commonly treated surgically or by time radiation therapy.

That's the reason why we shouldn't take skin cancer for granted. Everybody should put on some sun block most especially men. You can purchase sun protection from online retailers of men's skin care which also deal in Coochy shaving cream as well as the art of shaving shaving cream.

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Tanning Beds and Skin Cancer, Are Consequences Worth It?

If you are like most people ages 15 to 40 you are probably starting your tanning routine now in the dead of winter. Tanning beds and skin cancer are hot topics debated often between experts and scientists. There are those that do not think tanning beds are direct causes of skin cancer, and there are those that think that they are.

When you lie in a tanning bed you might feel like you are lying on the beach, and can imagine the warm sun caressing your skin with its remarkable warmth. If you are like some adults who are addicted to the tanning bed, then you probably have a year round package, and spend every day alternating between stand up beds, and regular beds. You probably spend a small fortune on tanning oils and lotions to get the most out of your tan. Will you pay for this luxury in the long run? Let's look at the facts about skin cancer, and you can be the judge.

There is something people just do not like about light skin. They feel transparent when they do not have a tan. Are tanning beds the cause of skin cancer? Do they contribute to over 2000 skin cancer deaths every year in America? The answer is perhaps. When you look at the fact that people who tan indoors as contrasted to outdoors have over a 70% chance of developing skin cancer, it makes a pretty big case against the safety of tanning salons.

So I ask a person that visits a salon every day, is it worth it? Sure you look fantastic; I will not deny you that. The tan really sets off that cute beach outfit you are planning to wear. At what cost do you achieve that bronzed glowing skin? It can cost you your youth, your health, and in some cases your life. Nothing is as valued as life, so if you can avoid a deadly disease why wouldn't you. I know this is a divisive issue; there have been much disagreement over the issue of to tan or not to tan. Some people will flat-out say, I do not care if I get cancer, no one lives forever. That is like saying I do not care if I smoke, I look and feel good while I am doing it.

Tanning beds are all glitz and glamor on when you hear about them in Hollywood. Lots of stars there are loyal tanning bed visitors. The truth is you are still putting yourself in direct contact with lots of harmful UVB rays. While the tanning beds do have less UVB rays then the sun, you are still not protected from getting skin cancer. There are UVA rays being emitted all over your body anytime you are in the tanning bed. UVA rays may not cause you to burn, but they penetrate deeper into your body then UVB rays. They cause damage from the inside out. You should consider the risks when you buy a tanning package.

For more information and valuable resources for stand up tanning beds visit this excellent online resource.

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The Benefits Of Drinking Coffee On Common Skin Cancers

A recent study is the first large research to examine the benefits of drinking coffee on three varieties of skin cancer - finding that women who consume over 3 cups of coffee a day showed a 20% lesser risk of having basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and men a 9% lower risk compared to those who did not have at least one cup of coffee per month. Drinking decaffeinated coffee didn't have the same effect on the chances of basal cell cancers, the most common form of skin cancer, accounting for nearly 90% of all skin cancers, leaving researchers to speculate that caffeine is the important ingredient in terms of cancer.

As the most common form of human cancer, over one million new incidences of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. Rates of all three types, basal cell, squamous cell and the most dangerous, melanoma, have been going up each year. The most common warning of skin cancer's approach is a change in the look of your skin (a new growth or sore that won't heal).

Earlier research has suggested that coffee drinking might offer some protection for non-melanoma skin cancer, however the results haven't been consistent, and have mostly come in animals or from studies in labs.

This most recent research involved examining the effects of drinking coffee on skin cancer risk for over 110,000 subjects who took part in two large studies.

The subjects were followed for 22-24 years, on average. During that time, just over 25,000 cases of cancer of the skin occurred. These included all three types - nearly 21,000 basal cell carcinomas, just under 2,000 squamous cell carcinomas, with 740 of the more serious melanomas.

The team saw that the more caffeinated coffee a subject drank, the lower their risk for basal cell carcinomas, but not the other two types.

Some researchers believe that caffeine is likely to have some protective effect as the risk of developing cancer of the skin was inversely (went down when another measure went up) related to coffee drinking.

It's hard to say why coffee might help with one type of cancer but not others. It may be that the biology of the different skin cancers is a factor. Caffeine seems to help stop skin cancer through killing off the small numbers of precancerous cells, which have been damaged by the sun and are currently dividing. They need to be removed from the body, before they get chance to do any harm, and caffeine appears to do this.

Beyond coffee and tea, other rich sources of caffeine are kola nuts and cocoa beans, and caffeine can also be found in some over the counter pain medications, cold remedies and diet pills. Interesting that caffeine is known to be a mild painkiller and increases the effectiveness of other such medications.

Of course there are many steps you can take, far more effective than relying on the benefits of drinking coffee to impact your risk of this most common form of skin cancer. If you're fair skinned, seeing a dermatologist regularly, and having suspicious growths removed before they cause trouble is key. As is avoiding a bad sunburn at any age in life. If you live in an area that gets high levels of UV radiation, you're also more at risk, and should take care to cover up and seek shade when out in the sun, especially during peak hours. Researchers are also looking at the effects of drinking coffee and then going out in the sun. There are also investigations underway about adding caffeine to sunscreen to make it that much more effective against skin cancer.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on the benefits of drinking coffee on common skin cancer.

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Types of Skin Cancer - The Differences and The Common Ground

Do a search for "the types of skin cancer" and you'll find lots of information. The 3 types of skin cancer most common, as you will find out are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, in that order.

You can find it described in medical terms or simplified in the words of a layman. It's very useful for you to know how it appears and grows and see the photos of it.

I'll cover each one of them and tell you what I conclude to be of most importance about all of them, even the more rare types not covered here.

Starting with basal cell, it rarely spreads and grows slowly. It first appears as a small growth on your skin, often undetected at first. It doesn't usually pose a big threat, but in time it could.
Here's a little experience I recently had. I noticed a small growth on my jaw line. After a few weeks there was another little tiny one next to it. I immediately went to my dermatologist and it was biopsied as basal cell carcinoma. It was 100% removed by mohs surgery and found to have travelled about 3 inches beyond what was visible to the eye. GLAD I WENT! It had been invisibly there for quite some time.

The next is squamous cell carcinoma. It also grows slowly and can be hard to notice in the early stages. It can be more serious than basal cell in that it can spread inward to vital organs. It first appears as a growth and can be quite innocent looking. I had an experience with this back in 1990. It had progressed to a stage 3 and it took the entire conventional arsenal to destroy it,...Chemotherapy...Major surgery...and Radiation.

The third of the most common types of skin cancer is malignant melanoma, the most deadly. It can appear as a new mole growth, freckle or an existing one showing some changes. Melanoma can spread rather quickly to internal organs without being detected; therein lays the deadly danger. That is why you should see a dermatologist to have those moles checked out, especially when you see any changes. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go once a year if you're over 40 years old and definitely if you're over 50.

So you see how the three types of skin cancer differ, but pay closer attention to what they all have in common and that is GROWTH ON YOUR SKIN. You can go to the internet and learn what the different ones look like but keep in mind that they all are an unusual growth on your skin. Growth isn't limited to elevation alone; it could be a change in skin color, spreading of the discoloration or a patch of dry scaly skin,...anything unusual. It also may not match up with any description or photo you see. It's all cause for concern and warrants a visit to your health professional.

So the big message here is for you to play a big role in early detection by being aware yourself. Notice what's going on and spot it even before your doctor does.

And the good news is that they are all most highly curable when detected early.

Take control of your own health.

Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. Much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit or just go to He welcomes anyone who has had any experience at all with skin cancer, no matter what stage, to share their story on his site. Someone out there can relate to it and be benefited.

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Understanding Skin Cancer

One of the saddest realities that we, humans, face is the risk of illness. It gets even sadder when the illness we face is terminal or leading to death. There are various diseases that may be considered terminal, but among those that are very common today is skin cancer. In fact, among the different types of cancer, this one is said to be the most common. Although there are three forms of this disease - basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma - the fact that it is terminal should be enough to alarm us. As we know, there is still no definitive cure for the disease, that's why the best defense we have against it is prevention.

Fortunately, there are some things we can do to prevent skin cancer. One is by simply avoiding the sun when possible. If we must go under the sun, we should never forget to apply sunscreen on all exposed body parts. Some people apply sunscreen everywhere on their body except their face. Of course, the face should have all that sunscreen because it's probably the most exposed among all skin surfaces in one's body. Overexposure to the sun's rays is known to cause melanoma, but overexposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause basal cell carcinoma.

It is important for parents to know that their children could be the most at risk because of their young age. These kids tend to have very thin skin compared to that of adults and because of this, the sun's rays can more easily penetrate through their bodies. Skin cancer is known to start in childhood, so it is important that parents always get their kids in the habit of using sunscreens.

Another thing we can do is boost our immune system by consuming foods that are known to have this effect. For example, citrus fruits are great for this purpose because of their high ascorbic acid or Vitamin C content. When we have a weak immune system, we have a greater chance of developing cancer. That's why we need to strengthen our immunity to decrease the odds of getting the disease.

Sometimes, however, cancer may just be in our genes, but it doesn't mean we should just accept this without a fight. Even if a lot of our relatives were affected by this disease, we should, instead, make it a motivation for us to work harder at reducing our own risks by living a healthy lifestyle. This means making the right food choices and regularly exercising. For people who are genetically predisposed to cancer, eating foods high in antioxidants is a must. Antioxidants are substances that prevent cellular mutation which characterizes all types of cancers.

If you want to get a fabulous tan on your skin without having to face the risks of skin cancer, use get a mobile spray tan, instead. Mobile spray tanning is a new technology that will help you achieve that perfect skin color and stay healthy, too.

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Your Sunscreen Could Be Making You Sick

There are more new cases of skin cancer each year than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined, according to the American Cancer Society.

Sunscreen companies are not legally permitted to promote that their products prevent skin cancer. Sunscreen blinds and solar shades are becoming more popular each year. Experts agree that sunscreen should be applied one half hour before going outdoors.

The sun gives off ultraviolet (UV) radiation that we divide into categories based on the wavelength. Sunburn is caused by ultraviolet B rays, which are stronger at midday and in the summer. A rating system, for ultraviolet A (UVA) protection in sunscreens is finally on the horizon.

What is SPF?

SPF stands for sun protection factor. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, is a measurement of how well a sunscreen will protect skin from UVB rays, the kind of radiation that causes sunburn and is thought to contribute to some types of skin cancer.

UVB protection does not actually increase proportionately with a designated SPF number. The higher the SPF factor (Sun Protection Factor) the greater the protection with an SPF of 15 providing minimal protection to SPF of 60 providing almost total sun block.

UVA regulations are being established by the FDA. UVA rays cause premature aging and long-term sun damage. UVA is considered the 'bad guy' because it penetrates your skin more deeply and causes more free radical damage.

Don't Destroy Your Skin with Chemicals

Chemical blockers vary in how much UVA and UVB protection they provide. Chemical sunscreens differ from physical barrier sunscreens as they soak into the skin, absorbing UV rays before they can do any damage. Chemical products, on the other hand, need to be slathered on 15 to 30 minutes in advance to give the skin time to absorb them.

One of the chemicals under closest scrutiny is oxybenzone, used in over half the sunscreens on the market. Babies are especially vulnerable to exposures to hazardous chemicals. Given their size and the immaturity of their bodies, babies face a greater health risk from exposure to chemicals than adults. To address the chemicals in sunscreen problem, try wearing a wetsuit type bathing suit that has UPF protection, then you only need to put sunscreen on your face, hands and feet when you go swimming.

Organic particulates that mostly absorb light like organic chemical compounds, but contain multiple chromophores, may reflect and scatter a fraction of light like inorganic particulates, and behave differently in formulations than organic chemical compounds. There are two basic types of active ingredients: inorganic and organic. Both afford protection against UV-B rays in the 280- to 320-nm range, the primary culprits in sunburn.

Get more information about chemical free all natural sunscreens including a free report go to
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Does Vitamin D Fight Skin Cancer?

Researchers have been studying the benefits of vitamin D in fighting several types of cancers; such as colon, prostate and breast cancers. However, Vitamin D and skin cancer have a very interesting relationship since vitamin D is only produced naturally when our skin is exposed to the sun.

While there isn't a cure for any cancer at this time, there are numerous vitamins and nutrients that can lower the risks of getting cancer to begin with. Over the past few years, researchers have been studying the effects of vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important part in our bodies ability to strengthen bones and muscles, our nerves need it to send signals throughout the body, and most importantly, our immune system uses vitamin D to fight off viruses and bacteria. There is currently no solid link of vitamin D fighting any of these types of cancers, it plays a part in lowering the risks of contracting them.

Vitamin D is created in our bodies through the skin. When direct sunlight hits the skin, it helps to synthesize the production of Vitamin D. This creates an interesting problem. We know there is a connection between too much exposure to the suns ultra violet rays and developing skin cancer over time. So the one way we can naturally produce Vitamin D to help prevent other cancers is the same process that contributes to us contracting another type of cancer.

An alternative is to take Vitamin D supplements or consume fortified foods such as milk and cereals. We're better to protect our skin from the harm of the sun by using sun screens. Not only does this avoid the long term risk of skin cancer, but it prevents the short term trouble of painful sunburns. If you are staying out of the sun, but not consuming any Vitamin D, be mindful of any Vitamin D deficiency symptoms.

Robert Zinderbaan is a nutrition expert promoting healthy lifestyles and optimal nutrition. Learn more about the benefits of Vitamin D and the key Vitamin D deficiency symptoms from NutritionCrossroads.

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Skin Cancer Causes, Treatments and Effects

Skin Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer with about one in five Americans being affected each year. The incidence of the cancer of the skin has been recorded to have risen over the years with the increase in the level of risk factor and carcinogens in the environment.

Though there are three common form of skin cancer; the Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma and Melanoma, the first two are not very serious and can be treated and cured easily. The third type, Melanoma, the cancer of the melanocyte is the most severe of the lot and causes the most number of skin cancer associated death around the world.

What are the main causes of Skin Cancer?

.Exposure to sun

The number one cause of skin cancer is the over exposure to the Ultra Violet rays of the sun or any other sources. The time of exposure, the intensity of the UV rays and whether or not the skin was protected (with clothes or anti sun creams) all decides the chance of getting skin cancer in the long run.

.White skin

White skinned people are more prone to cancer of the skin than the darker skinned ones, and the difference comes due to the level of naturally occurring sun protecting pigment in the skin; melanin. Melanin pigment which is high in dark skin protects it from the harmful rays of the sun thus saving it from cancer. But dark skinned men too, do have a chance of the disease though comparatively less.

.Exposure to carcinogen

Certain chemicals like arsenic, tar, nicotine and oil are found to elevate the change of getting skin cancer. Though these come under skin carcinogen, only long term exposure is found to trigger the disease in many cases.

.Family history'

The genetic makeup and the family history can also contribute to the occurrence of skin cancer. Having someone in the family affected with skin cancer increases the chance of getting the disease.

Besides all these risk factors, there are still many factors that might cause skin cancer or elevate the chance of it.

How can skin cancer be treated?

There are a number of approaches to treat skin cancer depending on the severity of the disease and where it has affected. Early and proper diagnosis of the disease helps to treat it better and more effectively. The different approach towards effective treatment includes


Non melanomas cancer or tumour can be completely removed by different surgical approaches being followed today. Cryosurgery, simple excision, dermabrasion, laser surgery are among the surgical techniques that effectively removes the cancerous skin tissue.


Inter venal or oral chemotherapeutic treatment targeted specifically on the cancerous cells can treat the cancer by either killing the cells or arresting their cell division capability. Cancer of the skin is also sometimes treated by applying the chemotherapeutic medicine on the affected skin in the form or creams or ointments.

.Radiation Therapy

The two forms, external or the internal radiation therapy may be used for the treatment depending on the type of cancer. Depending on the type of skin cancer and how much it had advanced, either form of the therapy is chosen.

.Photodynamic therapy

This is a more novel method to treat cancer and has little effect on the normal healthy tissue. Here photoactive drugs are given to the patient and these drugs specifically bind to the skin cells which are cancerous. When laser light is shone on the patients affected areas, the drug becomes active and kills off the diseased cells leaving of the normal cells.

What are the effects of Skin cancer treatment?

Different approaches towards the treatment of skin cancer have proven to be very effective in removing the tumour and controlling the cancerous growth. But as in every other cancer treatment, these treatment too comes with a few side effects.

Surgical removal of the cancerous tissue in the skin can result in a lifelong scar on the body. and sometimes even an expert surgeon cannot assure a cent percent zero scar removal of the cancer.

Chemotherapeutic treatment using creams and ointments can cause inflammation in the area of application. The inflammations caused in some people are so severe that they might have to discontinue the medication and switch to other treatment scheme. Chemotherapy can also cause nausea, vomiting and hair loss in the patients undergoing the treatment.

But after all the patent will be in gain undergoing the right cancer treatment on time, coz it will get rid of the most serious problem of all 'Cancer', set aside the smaller side effects coming with it.

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Why Is Melanoma a Potential Killer?

All skin cancers can be bad, but Melanoma is without a doubt the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It is the leading cause of death from any type of skin disease. This type of skin cancer involves the cells called melanocytes. These cells produce the skin pigment called melanin, which is responsible for skin and hair color.

Melanoma has the ability to spread very rapidly. It is less common than the other types of skin cancer. The rate of melanoma continues to increase and it is the leading cause of death from any of the skin diseases.

The actual risk of developing melanoma tends to increase with age, but the disease can and does affect the young and otherwise healthy people.

A melanoma may appear anywhere on normal skin. It may begin where there is a mole or any other area that has changed in its appearance. Often times, moles that were present at birth, may develop into melanomas.

Anyone who develops a melanoma is due to sun exposure, especially from sunburns during childhood. It is also most common among those people having fair skin, blue or green eyes and red or blond hair.

Who is at Risk of developing Melanoma?

1. A Family history of melanoma
2. Having red or blond hair and fair skin
3. Having multiple birthmarks
4. Developing precancerous sores
5. Freckling on the upper back
6. Multiple blistering sunburns before age 20
7. Several years spent at an outdoor summer job as a teenager
8. Exposure to strong sunlight

The most obvious symptom of any skin cancer is normally a mole, sore, lump, or growth on the skin. If there is any change in the appearance of a pigmented skin sore over time, this is a definite warning sign. You also need to watch for any bleeding from a skin growth.

The ABCD system of skin cancer can help you remember what might be symptoms of melanoma:

* Asymmetry: One half of the area is different from the other half
* Borders: The growth may irregular edges
* Color: Changes from one area to another (tan, brown, or black, sometimes white, red, or blue). There may be a mixture of colors that within one sore
* Diameter: The trouble spot is usually, but not always, about the size of a pencil eraser

The most critical key to treating any melanoma is early recognition of the symptoms. Unless you check your body on a regular basis, you might not notice some small spot of concern. See a dermatologist yearly.

If you find any suspicious areas on your skin, see your physician as soon as possible.

The American Cancer Society strongly recommends a yearly professional skin examination after age 40 and every 3 years for those in the 20 - 40 age range. Monthly self-examinations are also highly recommended.

If your health care provider suspects melanoma based on the appearance of the growth, sore, or lump, a biopsy may be performed confirm the diagnosis. The biopsy may remove a small area of a growth it may remove the entire growth.

The cancerous cells and possibly a portion of the normal surrounding skin may be surgically removed. The physician may also perform a lymph node biopsy to check and determine if the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. If it has spread to the lymph nodes, then these lymph nodes may also need to be removed. If a large area of skin is affected, then a skin graft may be necessary.

Surgery can cure only the smallest and most shallow melanomas, so an early diagnosis is very important. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy may be used in addition to surgery.

If the skin cancer has progressed to a depth of 4 mm or the lymph nodes have evidence of cancer, there is a very high risk that the cancer either has spread or will spread to other tissues and organs.

For those patients where the melanoma has spread beyond the skin and lymph nodes to other organs of the body, the treatment is much more difficult. When this is the case, the melanoma is usually not curable. Treatment at this stage is aimed at shrinking the tumor and improving symptoms. Both chemotherapy and the use of other drugs may be tried.

The success of treatment depends on numerous factors, that include the general health of the patient and whether the cancer has in fact, spread to the lymph nodes or other organs.

If caught in the earliest stages, melanoma can be cured, but there is a risk of the cancer returning depending on the depth of the tumor. Deeper tumors have a tendency to come back. Also, if the cancer has definitely spread to lymph nodes, there is a much greater chance that the melanoma will return. If the melanoma has spread to other tissues and organs, the cure rate and survival rates are low. Melanoma that has spread may lead to the patient's death.

You Must see your health care provider as soon as you notice any symptoms that might indicate melanoma.

**** If any skin growth you have changes in color, size or texture
**** If any existing lesion you have causes pain, swelling, bleeding or itching

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was diagnosed early and surgically removed.

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Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency - Avoiding the Sun for Fear of Skin Cancer?

One of the main causes of vitamin D deficiency would be a lack of sufficient exposure to the sunlight.

Many suffer from a lack of vitamin D for this reason. This vitamin often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" can also be obtained from other sources such as foods rich in vitamin D or through dietary supplementation.

But let's face it, how many people really have knowledge of what foods to eat for vitamin D or any other vitamins and minerals?

Avoiding the sun for fear of cancer could be a large mistake, especially if you are avoiding it completely.

Doctors of natural medicine throughout the country recommend that children and adults need far more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) set by the food and drug administration (FDA) for optimum health.

In actuality, avoiding the sun and creating a deficiency could be playing a factor in what causes skin cancer as well as other cancers and chronic disease.

In order to avoid the causes of vitamin D deficiency one needs to be concerned about nutrition throughout the year. There's no difference between the importance of vitamin D than the importance's of any other necessary nutrients in our body. Any deficiency of any nutrient results in a weakening of the immune system.

So how do you avoid these causes of deficiency?

When it comes to vitamin D, start by not being afraid of the sun and most importantly on the other hand, never overdo it. Moderation is your key. Think in terms of 5-30 minutes of exposure.

Personally, I limit my time unprotected to a very short time because I have had stage 3 skin cancer and have received heavy radiation treatments. That makes me more vulnerable. For those of you in generally better condition at less risk, it's OK to go longer, but I'll always stress don't overdo it and never sunburn.

As the four seasons change, so may you have to change your source of vitamin D. You still need it all throughout the year.

In the summer the sun is the best source, just remember to use a good sunscreen and protective clothing when you have to be in it longer than you should.

Spring, fall and winter, eat as many vitamin D rich foods that you can and take a good whole food vitamin D supplement daily or as needed. Find a good quality whole food multivitamin and mineral supplement. You do need all of your vitamins.

I pinpoint vitamin D because avoiding the sun in fear of skin cancer is one of the biggest causes of vitamin D deficiency.

You'll find more information about vitamin D and skin cancer on my website.

Gary is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. So, much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit or just go to

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Melanomas And Why Not To Ignore Them

I expect we can all remember lovely summer days when we tried to see how brown we could get before the end of the holiday. That was in the days before warnings about the damage we were doing to our skin, the increasing effectiveness of sun blockers and availability of fake tans. And yet still we love to look at bronzed bodies. I can remember sunny holidays on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the 1950's when the only white body was that of a Fiat factory worker on holiday with his family. Everybody else was gloriously bronzed. Even in the 70's with that glorious hot summer of 76 when I only wore a pair of shorts and sandals all day long on the farm and thought nothing of any side effects. It was as bad as using lethal insecticides such as Lindane and DDT without really worrying about safety equipment. Well, one didn't and no one had before and the warnings were not there.


So, some thirty five years later the laissez faire attitude caught up with me. Those rodents we have on our skin can so easily transmute into ugly monsters capable of dealing death to the owner. I had an itchy mole on my right shoulder that I couldn't see but seemed to warrant a call on my local doctor. He took one look at it and arranged for me to see a surgeon in the local hospital. A couple of days later I was having a bi-lingual conversation in French and English about rugby football while it felt as though the surgeon was excavating deep into my shoulder. The biopsy proved positive so I was glad to have got rid of that one. I had another on my right forearm removed a couple of weeks before leaving France. 'Can you come in on Monday as I am off on a fortnight's holiday?' asked the surgeon. This was only a couple of days after seeing my doctor who had had to search around for an available surgeon.


Why I am inclined to take care of transmuting rodents is quite obvious as I am still here to tell the tale. The one on my back I could not see, but from the one on my forearm I could tell they were showing the obvious symptoms. Itchy and slightly larger with a redness showing round the edge. I don't think you need a clearer sign than that. Unfortunately my eldest daughter did not heed the signs and a transmuted mole on her leg caused a painful death.

All I would say to all those hedonists of the fifties to seventies is that you may not be immune and to take your itchy moles to the doctor straight away. It is better to be safe than sorry. Don't just hope it will get better on its own.

Richard Poupart 2011

I expect we can all remember lovely summer days when we tried to see how brown we could get before the end of the holiday. That was in the days before warnings about the damage we were doing to our skin, the increasing effectiveness of sun blockers and availability of fake tans. And yet still we love to look at bronzed bodies. I can remember sunny holidays on the Adriatic coast of Italy in the 1950's when the only white body was that of a Fiat factory worker on holiday with his family. Everybody else was gloriously bronzed. Even in the 70's with that glorious hot summer of 76 when I only wore a pair of shorts and sandals all day long on the farm and thought nothing of any side effects. It was as bad as using lethal insecticides such as Lindane and DDT without really worrying about safety equipment. Well, one didn't and no one had before and the warnings were not there.


So, some thirty five years later the laissez faire attitude caught up with me. Those rodents we have on our skin can so easily transmute into ugly monsters capable of dealing death to the owner. I had an itchy mole on my right shoulder that I couldn't see but seemed to warrant a call on my local doctor. He took one look at it and arranged for me to see a surgeon in the local hospital. A couple of days later I was having a bi-lingual conversation in French and English about rugby football while it felt as though the surgeon was excavating deep into my shoulder. The biopsy proved positive so I was glad to have got rid of that one. I had another on my right forearm removed a couple of weeks before leaving France. 'Can you come in on Monday as I am off on a fortnight's holiday?' asked the surgeon. This was only a couple of days after seeing my doctor who had had to search around for an available surgeon.


Why I am inclined to take care of transmuting rodents is quite obvious as I am still here to tell the tale. The one on my back I could not see, but from the one on my forearm I could tell they were showing the obvious symptoms. Itchy and slightly larger with a redness showing round the edge. I don't think you need a clearer sign than that. Unfortunately my eldest daughter did not heed the signs and a transmuted mole on her leg caused a painful death.

All I would say to all those hedonists of the fifties to seventies is that you may not be immune and to take your itchy moles to the doctor straight away. It is better to be safe than sorry. Don't just hope it will get better on its own.

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How to Differentiate a Mole From Melanoma to Identify Signs of Skin Cancer

Are you worried about a mole or new growth on your skin? In this article we discuss the most common signs of melanoma skin cancer and how you can assess a mole or growth on your skin.

As we age our skin tends to develop new marks. While many of these blemishes can be completely harmless and superficial, it is wise to treat new occurrences with vigilance and scrutiny in case they indicate a dangerous condition such as skin cancer.

While skin cancers start out small, they can go through unpredictable phases of quick growth and in some cases the cancerous cells can metastasize (spread throughout the body), spreading the danger to your internal organs and becoming much harder to treat. This is why early detection is paramount, even if the cancer is small.

Here are some signs to look out for when examining your mole for signs of skin cancer:

1. Color - Most moles are black in color, while some of them may have a lighter shade too. However, if a mole has more than one color you need to treat it with suspicion and approach a doctor immediately.

2. Size - An abnormally large mole is a worrying sign. While there is no particular guideline about this, a mole or growth on the skin should not grow larger than a quarter of an inch, and if it is growing in size this could be reason for concern.

3. Orientation - Once again, this is more of an approximation than a rule, but if the mole is raised too much above the skin surface, it should be a matter of concern to you. Likewise, it should not be too tilted onto any one side.

4. Edges - The edges should normally be smooth and regular just like the skin. If you think that the edges are jagged and uneven, get in touch with your doctor immediately.

5. Symmetry - The mole or growth should look the same on its left and right halves. If it has a different shape in its two halves, it can be a cause for concern may be a very likely sign of skin cancer.

Place yourself in a well-lit area and take the time to examine your mole thoroughly. If it shows any, or a combination of the above symptoms it is advisable to seek the advise of a medical practitioner sooner rather than later.

To learn more about the treatment of skin cancers including Curaderm - a revolutionary, natural, topical treatment for skin cancers please visit

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Take Skin Cancer Seriously

Skin cancer is a very common variety of cancer. Far more than one million persons all around the planet fall victim to this ailment annually with Australia being the nation taking the lead. This disease is the most preventable form of cancer in the United States with 1 in 5 Americans being likely to receive the diagnosis in their lifetime.

Skin cancer is defined as a problem in which the epidermis seems to lose its normal power to divide and reproduce cells ordinarily. Typically, new tissue is formed to replace deceased cells; irregular cells can increase and form a collection of cells in what is called a tumor. Some varieties of this disease have been known to metastasize or spread to other parts of the body to cause more cancers. Skin cancer is not restricted to any particular region in the human body; it can arise just about anywhere. The prevalent sites of cancerous growth are those spots uncovered to the sun's rays like the forearms, facial area, hands, back and neck.

Nearly all skin cancers are curable if detected and dealt with early on, previous to their having propagated to other body cells. It is practically 100% treatable and curable when it is discovered early and dealt with appropriately. That is the reason that you should never fail to examine your skin each and every calendar month for new growths or suspicious changes.

There are about three significant causes of most skin cancers; family history, the environment, and sun damage to your epidermis. Smoking has also been shown to double a person's risk. There have been scientific studies performed that have revealed that grownups obtain practically fifty percent of their UV exposure for their lifetime by the time they reach twenty years. This disease also can be genetic and takes place more often in selected racial groups, particularly individuals with fair coloration such as Northern Italians, Scandinavians and Brits. Everybody, regardless of skin darkness, should watch for changes to their skin. It is not unheard of for people of African descent to have skin cancer.

Skin cancer is firmly related to being exposed to ultraviolet light, that aspect of the power that derives from the sun as well as all those man-made sources like sun lamps and tanning beds. UV light is composed of two types: UVA and UVB rays. Sunburn has been attributed to UVB, but UVA rays are believed to be the cause of melanoma, the most dangerous kind of skin cancer. Originally researchers were led to believe that only UVB radiation causes the variety of harm that can cause skin cancer and premature aging. UVA radiation is now believed to have those same consequences, too. It does not matter if the UV rays originate from the sun or the tanning booth; the consequences are the same.

The most effective way to protect against skin cancer is to minimize your direct exposure to the sun's rays. Ultraviolet light is most powerful during the middle of the day, so the recommendation is to avoid the sun from 10 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon, depending on your country. If you must go out consider protecting the skin by donning hats, loose long-sleeved tops, long skirts, or slacks. Having said that, kids and small babies are especially at extreme danger of acquiring sunburn. There has been a solid link established between skin cancer in later life and sunburn in children or babies, so be excessively cautious where children are concerned. If you must go out in the sun choose to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen or sun block. That is the type that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Reapply often, especially if your application's effectiveness is getting diminished by sweat or water. Be especially mindful of those areas that can get a great deal of sun like the hands, feet in sandals, the tops of heads that are not well-covered by hair, and more.

Gabriella Gometra, stay-at-home mother and writer, builds sites on a diverse number of topics, such as how to get rid of sunburn and how to treat sunburn.

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Melanoma Symptoms Pain: Sign of Hidden Melanoma in the Body

Seldom is pain experienced by melanoma patients but if in case you do feel melanoma symptoms pain on your skin, chances are you have what they call as  hidden melanoma.

Typically, melanoma develops on the skin but in some instances it may occur on other body parts like the eye, inside of the nose or the mouth. These are what we call as hidden melanomas.

Kinds of Melanoma with Melanoma Symptoms Pain

If you experience pain or inflammation in any of your body parts coupled with slight changes in the skin color of the infected part, chances are you do have hidden melanoma. Here are a few of the types of hidden melanoma with symptoms of pain.

Female Genitals

Women who suffer from melanoma in their female genitals experience melanoma symptoms pain especially in the labia minora or labia majora. Typical signs which go hand in hand with the pain are vaginal discharge, bleeding and itching. During the advanced stages of the melanoma, you may eventually experience foul odor, vaginal pain, more vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding. So it is always best to consult your gynecologist the moment you notice any abnormalities in the functioning or appearance of your genitals.


This type will definitely experience melanoma symptoms pain which is often mistaken to be hemorrhoid because of the similarity of the pain experienced by the patient. Nevertheless, whether or not it is a case of hemorrhoid pain you should still consult a specialist if you feel any abnormalities in one of your body parts.

Urinary Tract

You may also experience melanoma symptoms pain when urinating if your melanoma suddenly developed in your urinary tract.  It is couple with frequent urination and blood in the urine. Again, others may thinks of this as signs of urinary tract infection so it is best to have a specialist diagnose your case before you start doing self medication.

Malignant melanoma is a severe problem. It is important to be able to identify causes, see symptoms and have proper diagnosis. I have put together to help people deal with melanoma.

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Skin Cancer - Why Skin Cancer Is So Prevalent Today

Perhaps you have noticed the growing number of people who are getting skin cancer these days? Are you surprised that there are a multitude of them despite all the efforts to prevent it? These questions have surely prompted you to ask the question about "why skin cancer is so prevalent today". Yes, it can be quite puzzling considering the countless of prophylactic techniques people use to avoid getting the disease. These include having to buy the most expensive sun block lotions to ward off the harmful effects of the UV rays, staying out of the sun as much as possible to not cause damage in their skin and wearing long sleeves on a scorching day just so they can protect their skin from getting burned. Here are a few other things that you may want to know about why skin cancer is so prevalent today:

1. Poor Diet Or Nutritional Deficiency
Lack of a healthy diet is actually the culprit in this condition or in any other type of cancer. For this, you will need to be more selective of the food you eat. Otherwise, if you will be so carefree about the food you consume; at the same time, you keep exposing yourself to extreme heat conditions when unnecessary, you are actually in effect, rendering yourself to the risks of developing skin cancer in no time. To combat or prevent cancer of the skin, make eating a lot of vegetables and fruits your daily habit.

2. Lack Of Exercise
Living a sedentary life is another triggering factor of skin cancer. If you do not have any activity or exercise to make you move about, you are in effect, slowing down not just your rate of metabolism but at the same time your defense or immune system. As a result, you tend to attract more illnesses which can have a big impact on your physical condition and overall health and wellness.

3. Too Much Emotional Stress
Did you know that emotional stress is also another factor that can greatly contribute to developing cancer of the skin? Yes, when you are down and distressed, or you are flooded with problems, or perhaps you are going through a financial or business crisis, make sure that you still find other means to laugh, smile and be active. Otherwise, with a weakened system, you may suddenly get struck with this type of cancer or perhaps another kind of cancer for that matter.

4. The Kind Of Life Style
Last but not least, some of the reasons "why skin cancer is so prevalent today" is due to the fact that a myriad of people continue to patronize processed foods which have very high content of salt, refined sugar, and fats. What is more, a lot of the cosmetic products that people use these days have toxic chemicals in them which are known for being carcinogenic or cancer-causing. To make sure that you get rid of all those toxins, exercise. After all; exercise is known to boost one's defense and immune system to fight off skin cancer more effectively!

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Prevent Yourself From Being a Source of Skin Cancer Pictures

Skin cancer is a very prevalent condition, especially among fair-skinned people like the Caucasians. If you scan the internet for skin cancer pictures, you will surely be scared and will be looking up ways on how to prevent getting the condition. In this article, I will be talking about the basics of skin cancer and some preventive methods which one can employ to protect themselves from the harmful effects of the sun.

Skin cancer is considered as a collective term for three cancer conditions: melanoma, basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. It is one of the most common types of cancer that is found among humans, and it has been estimated that a million get diagnosed of this disease yearly.

Among the three mentioned above, 90% of skin cancer patients have basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is caused by exposure to UV rays that come from the sun and tanning booths. There are tanning booths that are already UV-ray free, but still a lot of these machines make use of UV rays to give you that naturally tanned look.

When looking at skin cancer pictures, basal cell carcinoma will come out like a small bump in the skin with visible blood vessels. It is shiny in appearance and might come out looking like a mole. Actually, in order to diagnose basal cell carcinoma, a biopsy has to be done.

Having fair skin is a big risk factor when it comes to the progression of squamous cell carcinoma. The love for sunbathing and having fair skin is a dangerous combination when it comes to the development of this condition. Squamous cell carcinoma also differs from basal cell carcinoma in a way that squamous cell carcinoma can metastasize to other areas of the body.

Of the three, melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. A lot of deaths have been attributed to melanoma, as compared to those of basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. With melanoma, you will have to observe for the development of new moles or a change in the size and shape of an old mole. If this happens, consult your doctor immediately.

So, how do you protect yourself from the development of skin cancer? One great tip would be to avoid the sun. However, we all know that avoiding the sun is impossible. The next best thing that we can do then is to protect ourselves from the sun. To protect your skin, you can make use of umbrellas, light jackets or sweaters, long sleeved shirts and the like.

If you are a sun worshipper, you should always have a good sunblock with you and you should know which hours of the day to avoid the sun. Now, a lot of issues circulate over which SPF amount is best for sun protection. Actually, you have to have a sunblock that has SPF 15 or greater in order to adequately protect yourself. You also would have to reapply it from time to time to reinforce the protection. You also have to avoid the sun during the hours of 11am to 4pm. However, with today's climate change, even the 9am sun is already painful.

Getting skin cancer is no joke. You may not realize it now because you are young, but UV rays accumulate over time, and you should therefore limit your sun exposure to the bare minimum. And never forget to bring with you your trusty sunblock.

For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Skin Cancer Pictures and Melanoma Symptoms.

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Basal Cell Cancer: Surgery Is Your Best Option

Under the umbrella of skin cancer, the most common type is basal cell cancer. Surgery can get rid of this problem but it is malignant in nature. This is mainly because it causes disfigurement. People who are light skinned are at a greater risk of being diagnosed with this kind of cancer in areas of the body that are regularly exposed to sun rays. Basal cell cancer surgery needs to be carried out if the condition has reached a stage where medication cannot help the patient.

While basal cell cancer is the least dangerous compared to its other relatives, it still causes certain amount of damage to the area where it forms and the surrounding tissue. Its malignant nature allows it to physically manifest itself in the form of a nodule not very different from what an acne scar looks like. However, this small nodule could bleed, crust, heal, and reopen again on a regular basis. This is when people realize that this is much more than just a scar.

Time is of the essence in such cases and you need to make sure that you visit a general physician or a dermatologist as soon as you notice a small ulcer forming on your skin. The doctor might ask you to go in for a biopsy in order to learn more about the ulcer on your skin. If detected in the initial stages, basal cell cancer can be eradicated with least amount of damage done to your skin. However, the longer you wait the more chances of it destroying tissue around the affected area.

The head and neck are the most common regions where basal cell cancer usually strikes. However, sometimes the torso area might also be affected. Surgery will either get rid of the cancerous cells entirely or radiation may also be used to stop it from burrowing through the skin and tissue. Mohs chemosurgery is used in order to get rid of this disease from its root and in a controlled manner.

According to skin specialists, basal cell cancer surgery is the only option when the lesion has begun to cause a lot of damage to the area where it has formed. This is also known as rodent ulcers as it burrows through skin, bone, and muscle if not treated in a timely and appropriate manner. Visit a doctor as soon as possible if you notice a weird looking blister on your skin.

Basal cell cancer surgery is the only option when the lesion has begun to cause a lot of damage to the area where it has formed. Visit Skin Cancer Los Angeles for more information.

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Natural Treatments to Cancer Eliminating the Major Cause of Cancer in Patients

Various types of treatments to cancer exist in this world today. Medication, surgery and alternative healing therapies are some of these treatments. While all these treatments have been applied to treat cancer patients, some are more effective than the others. Cancer is caused primarily due to oxygen deficiency in the cells and tissues of our bodies. Hence, the natural or alternative treatments and various types of medicines work on the principal of increasing the blood and oxygen supply inside the body. However, the treatment of cancer generally depends on the part of body that is affected by the disease.

Opting for surgery could be expensive, harmful and not all types of cancer are curable by this method. Taking medicines can cure you but there is always a risk of side effects. By far the natural or alternative treatments to cancer have been proved to be without any side effects and very effective in various stages of the disease.

Nature abounds in various types of vegetables, herbs and fruits which can provide cancer cure. Poke root, garlic, red clover, Echinacea and chaparral are some of the herbs which have been known to possess cancer treating quality. Garlic is the commonest and one of the most effective ingredients in treating cancer. It is capable of killing bacteria, fungus, virus as well as parasites. 3 to 4 cloves of raw garlic each day can cure you from cancer.

Red clover is another powerful cancer healing herb. It is basically a form of weed and can be found in any part of the world. You can use it poultice form, in tea or as tincture. If you can use the blossoms which are purple in color, it is more effective. Chaparral is quite a powerful and oldest known herb to man which has been used to fight cancer since ages. It is a shrub which can be found in Mojave Desert region. It is a powerful liver stimulant which helps in flushing out all the toxins from the body and helps restore the health. Echinacea is another herb that strengthens the immune system of the body to fight against cancer. However, it is difficult to find the real one which induces a numbing effect. Poke root is a highly effective anti-tumor and anti-cancer herb. It flushes out toxins and effectively cures tumors which are seen in patients suffering from breast cancer.

Among all the other natural treatments to cancer, the One Minute Cancer Cure has gained much popularity. This treatment works on making the body powerful to fight against the disease. It works towards restoring good health. Normally our bodies suffer from deficiency of oxygen. This is the chief cause of cancer. This therapy works on flooding the body with oxygen so that we gain back our normal health. This has been advised by doctors throughout the world to cancer patients. This is also known as Bio-Oxidative Therapy and works without side effects. It has produced miraculous results for cancer patients world wide.

I like to help people utilize protective and natural measures against various illnesses and diseases. I recommend to learn more about natural cure to cancer. Get to know about the best natural cures for cancer to cure cancer naturally. Choose natural cures to fight your disease successfully.

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Roche's New Therapy Prolongs Life of Melanoma Patients

Roche has announced promising results for their Phase 3 clinical study (the BRIM3 trial) of the targeted anticancer drug PLX4032 in patients with previously untreated melanoma that has spread throughout the body.

PLX4032 (also designated as RG7204) is a drug being co-developed by Plexxikon and Roche that specifically targets and kills cancer cells that possess the V600E cancer-causing mutation in the BRAF protein. BRAF is critical for normal cell growth and survival.

The V600E mutation causes BRAF to become overactive, leading to excessive cell growth and cancer. BRAF V600E is the most common mutation occurring in human melanomas; it is found in 50-60% of all melanomas. Plexxikon and Roche are also developing a test for detecting which melanoma patients have the BRAF V600E mutation and might benefit from receiving PLX4032.

The purpose of the BRIM trial is to compare PLX4032 to dacarbazine, the standard therapy given to melanoma patients. The drugs were investigated in patients with previously untreated metastatic melanoma with the BRAF mutation. Study participants were randomly assigned to two groups, and received either 960 mg of PLX4032 orally twice daily or 1000 mg/m2 of dacarbazine intravenously every 3 weeks. Patients were monitored for how long they lived (survival) and side effects.

Study participants receiving PLX4032 lived longer (overall survival) and also lived longer without their disease getting worse (progression-free survival) compared to volunteers who received dacarbazine. How much PLX4032 extends life over dacarbazine has not yet been reported. Roche and Plexxicon plan to present these details along with other findings later this year.

Many anticancer agents were not developed to be selective; consequently, they attack and destroy both good and bad cells. PLX4032 targets the BRAF V600E mutation which is only present in cancer cells. Because of this targeted approach to cancer therapy, only mild adverse effects have been reported in the clinical trials for PLX4032. These side effects included rash, joint pain, photosensitivity and fatigue. No effects have been reported as yet for the BRIM3 clinical trial.

Since preliminary BRIM3 study results have been so promising, study volunteers who received dacarbazine will be allowed to switch over and receive PLX4032.

The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 120,000 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed annually. This is the most common and dangerous form of skin cancer, causing roughly 80% of skin cancer-related deaths. It is the hope that drugs like save the lives of patients suffering from this devastating disease.

To find out more information about clinical trials or how to join a clinical trial please visit our website.

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A Powerful Weapon Against Skin Cancer

Photo dynamic therapy achieved eradication of these diseases through a combination of a photo sensitizing cream and a red light bulb that eliminates malignant cells without cuts or scars. More photo dynamic therapy has not been revealed only as a simple treatment, safe and effective against certain skin cancers, has also proved an excellent system for skin rejuvenation.

How does photodynamic therapy Skin Cancer?

Photo dynamic therapy is based on the theory of bio-stimulation and modulation of cellular activity. It combines two essential elements that work in synergy:

* photosensitizing substance in a cream (methyl - aminolevulinate)
* a narrow band red light of 635 nm.

Treatment consists of applying the cream to the lesion, covering the skin with an occlusive dressing for 3 hours. Methyl - aminolevulinate acts on photo active porphyrins, so that when the area is illuminated with red light of 635. for about 7 to 9 minutes, it stimulates the production of a number of free radicals that lead to tumor destruction process, removing only the cancerous cells without harming healthy cells.

Unexpected side effects and positive

Its use for cosmetic purposes was accidental, as when treated malignant lesions, it was observed improved adjacent tissues. We worked with the idea of extending its application to healthy skin, and found to activate cell renewal and boosts the production of collagen and elastin to exceptional levels.

Who photo dynamic Skin Cancer therapy is recommended?

It is indicated for people with signs of photo aging such as wrinkles, irregular thinning of the epidermis, hyperpigmentation in patches and formation of spider veins or telangiectasia. It is said that a meeting with Photodynamic Therapy Photorejuvenation is three sessions with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) conventional. Spectacular results have been observed in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Is an effective alternative for patients whose skin has become resistant to treatment with antibiotics and / or for those wishing to avoid the inconvenience of topical ointments or oral treatment with isotretinoin. In the case of acne treatment using a light and a photo sensitizing substance, in addition to killing bacteria, reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne lesions.

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Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Increasing

Another troubling statistic... the number of people diagnosed with a non melanoma skin cancer is still going up, with just under 4 million cases being diagnosed in America. During 2009 according to the latest figures from researchers who reported last year that 2 million people in America were treated for 3.5 million nonmelanoma (mainly basal cell or squamous cell) skin cancers.

These cancers can be treated easily if they're found early, however, the highly entrenched view of tanning as healthy looking and beautiful has created a significant public health problem.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in humans, and recently rising rates have brought both attention and concern from the medical community.

The new findings showed that cancer treatments among Medicare patients went up an extra 2.4% between 2006 to 2007; 2.5% from 2007 to 2008, plus an extra 1.6 in 2009.

The number of treatments for nonmelanoma skin cancers is considered a good gauge of the total number of cancers. This, according to the researchers, allows their work to provide truest figures we've had thus far on this particular type of cancer.

To arrive at their final estimate the researchers analysed Medicare claims to get the total number of skin cancer treatments among Medicare patients, and then calculated figures for the general population.

An earlier report found cancer removals increased about 4% a year between 1992 to 2006. If things continue on as they have been it's thought nonmelanoma cancers of the skin will double in the next couple of decades.

The cost, in terms of money alone, is huge. Diagnosing and treating individual skin cancers costs over $2,000. This brings the total cost for the reported cases from 2009 to over $8.5 billion.

One of the most worrisome parts of this cancer problem is that the numbers are likely to continue to rise. The reason? There's often a time lag of at least 20 years between damage by the sun and the manifestation of a cancerous growth. That means, for many of us, the skin damage has already been done.

So what can we do to reduce our risk now?

- Always use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 when going outside.
- Wear protective clothing (a shirt with long sleeves, pants, wide brimmed hat, sunglasses) when you are out in the sun.
- Try to get in the shade whenever you can, especially between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.
- Be careful near reflective surfaces like water, sand and snow as this can up your risk of sunburn.
- Stay away from tanning beds as this type of light can cause not only skin cancer but also wrinkling. Self tanners are far better choices for a sun kissed look.
- Anything that changes, grows or bleeds on your skin should be checked by a dermatologist in case it's non melanoma skin cancer or worse, a melanoma.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover other ways of preventing non melanoma skin cancer from developing.

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Occurrence Factor of Skin Cancer

Facts about skin cancer are very important to understand as the disease is one of the deadliest ones worldwide and is also responsible for maximum number of cancer cases. Facts highlight some of the important causes, symptoms and statistics of the disease and also focus on the important forms of treatments available to cure the same.

Vital Facts about Skin Cancer

Exposure to Ultra-Violet (UV) rays in excess may lead to severe type of cancer and is also responsible for more than 90% cases of the non-melanoma types of the disease. Severity of the disease is so high that almost one person dies every day of the disease and the treatment becomes complicated if a person reaches advanced stages of the disease.

This is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer and accounts for more than 50% of the overall cancer cases. It occurs in almost equal numbers in both men and women and may develop at any age. Though the number of cases detected in areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America are low as compared to developed regions like North America and Europe, the numbers of deaths related to the disease are high in the prior regions. Caucasian race is more vulnerable to the disease as compared to other races. Chances of sunburns developing into a cancerous infection are quite high and especially small children are at a very high risk if they do not undergo apt treatment for sunburns in the childhood age.

This cancer, also known as skin neoplasia, is of two different types as melanoma and non-melanoma. Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are two different types of non-melanoma cancer. Melanoma type of skin cancer occurs in rare cases but is a severe kind of disorder and is more fatal as compared to non-melanoma types. Also, melanoma skin cancer spreads at a higher pace in comparison to non-melanoma types and is highly damaging to skin cells and tissues.

Facts about skin cancer also prove that it is quite common in people who have medical history of the disease. A person who is treated for this cancer in the past is quite susceptible to its redevelopment in future. One should avoid smoking and consuming tobacco or other carcinogenic substances as it may damage the person's body internally and deteriorate his immune system.

Other facts about skin cancer also point out that melanoma type of skin cancer is responsible for almost 75% of the overall deaths due to skin cancer. Also, the survival rate and life expectancy is much lower for melanoma type as compared to non-melanoma form of cancer. Change in the color of the skin, skin ulcers, injuries or infections in the skin that do not heal by normal medication and presence of excess moles are some of the important symptoms of the disease.

Facts about skin cancer can be understood well if the causes are correlated aptly with the symptoms. Diagnosis forms an important part of the disease and has to be effective enough to understand the actual location and root cause of the disorder. One needs to be careful while undergoing cancer treatments as they are quite severe and may put a bad impact on the victim's body if taken in inappropriate quantities.

Hello,Nancy martin is a Professor in a medical college and also a medical adviser.If you want to more information about Skin cancer and other types of cancer visit my website.

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Melanoma: Thoughts of a Dermatologist

You have heard the message by now: Melanoma is deadly. You also probably know that it is the fastest growing cancer in the United States and that one American every hour dies from melanoma. Millimeter for millimeter, it is the deadliest cancer. Rather than bore you with statistics on this horrid disease, allow me to share with you some fascinating background you may not have heard before.

There are few historical accounts of melanoma. It was not officially recognized as a disease until 1806 in France. Several years prior in 1787, a perplexed Scottish surgeon named John Hunter was confronted by a large black growth on the jaw of a thirty-five year man. He described it as a "cancerous fungus". Not knowing what it was, he did what surgeons do: he cut it out. Amazingly, it wasn't until 1968 that somebody first looked at it under a microscope confirming it was a melanoma. It had been preserved all this time at the Royal College of Surgeons of England Hunterian Museum in London and still can be viewed today I'm told. The patient evidently sought out Dr. Hunter a few years later for a recurrence of the growth in the same spot. In a drunken brawl he had been beaten with a stick and the "soft black mass" returned. The fate of the patient is lost to history. But we do know that it was highly unlikely his melanoma returned due to the beating he took.

Since then, there has been no shortage of melanoma. It might surprise you to learn that many of the leading researchers for melanoma are based in Australia, not the US. In the 1870's the British government established an Australian penal colony and sentenced criminals to live out there days with kangaroos. The forced emigration of pasty white English convicts to the sunny continent has led to an epidemic of melanoma several generations later. Australia holds the distinction of being the melanoma capital of the world. We are not far behind however. In 1935 it was estimated that only one in every 1500-2000 Americans would get melanoma. Several decades of bikinis and tanning salons later, the rate is now 1 in 65 and worsening each year. Predictions are now being made for 1 in every 33 of us in the near future; a staggering increase.

Interestingly, melanoma is one of the few diseases I can name that tends to affect people from higher socioeconomic groups disproportionately. It is believed this is due to disposable income taking families to equatorial destinations for vacations. Vacations in Cancun and Florida equal short but intense periods of sun exposure-the exact same exposure one gets from a tanning bed. It is believed that all those high school girls who tanned for prom back in the 80's and 90's account for the skyrocketing rates of melanoma we are seeing in women under 40 currently. Along with breast and thyroid cancer, melanoma is one of the most common cancers in young women. If you watch Grey's Anatomy you know that one of the favorite lead characters (a thirty-something blond) died from melanoma a few seasons back. While normally, I don't pay much attention to those shows, I applaud the effort of the writers in raising awareness of this issue. Governor Brown just outlawed tanning bed use for those under 18 in recognition of the link between ultraviolet light and melanoma.

Tanning is not the sole cause for melanoma however. If only this horrid disease were that simple. Genetics play an equally sinister role in this story. We've known for a long time that if you have melanoma, your first degree relatives are much more likely to get melanoma as well. Many of the new treatments specifically target various genetic mutations and genes associated with melanoma. Shared genes with pancreatic cancer and possibly now even some forms of breast cancer are being studied. But tanning is not off the hook. If someone's genetic makeup is the dry cornfield, tanning is the match and kerosene.

As far as mammalian skin goes, human skin in general is a disaster. It offers virtually no protection from the sun. Even very dark African American skin has only a natural SPF of around 13-20. Pig skin is the closest equivalent to human skin in its make-up and organization. Surgical trainees usually begin their studies by operating and sewing pigs' feet and we still sometimes use pig skin grafts when necessary. It has been said "Also like humans, pigs enjoy lying in the sun, tan in response to the sun, and enjoy drinking large quantities of beer."

Now to bore you with a little scientific background: The melanocyte is a cell in our skin that makes our color. Melanoma is the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes. One bad mutation begets two. Then two begets four. Four begets sixteen, and on and on. The normal melanocyte resembles an octopus and makes the pigment in our skin. Its long tentacles deliver the pigment (melanin) to the other skin cells. The purpose is to shield the other skin cells from sun damage by absorbing the rays from the sun. When you tan, the melanocytes rev up production to make more of this shield. When you see tanning, you know DNA damage has occurred in the skin cells. Thus I like to think of a tan as tears of the melanocytes cried over their neighboring cells.

We are in the midst of a skin cancer epidemic with no end in sight. While most skin cancers are not life threatening, they can necessitate extensive surgery and cause deformities that need surgical correction. However, melanoma is a different story. Luckily, the North State enjoys a stellar collection of dermatologists and surgeons skilled in these arts. While almost 100% curable if caught early, melanoma has a dismal survival rate once it spreads beyond the skin and into other organs. There is no known definitive cure. (please read that last statement again)

Up until the last few years, we have really been no better off in the treatment of advanced melanoma than Dr. Hunter was back in 1787. The lack of progress in almost 225 years is embarrassing to me as a dermatologist. Now the research pipeline is full of treatments coming our way. A melanoma vaccine led the way and has been extensively studied but has not lived up to the hype yet. One recent breakthrough medication turns the immune system against the melanoma cells. Unfortunately for Brits, it has just been rejected by England's national health care panel as not cost effective for their society. The drug boasts a 20% three-year survival rate (or put another way a full 80% of people with metastatic melanoma who take it, will pass away in three years). At $120,000 per patient per year, it certainly raises a lot of philosophical and ethical quandaries. Luckily, there are handfuls of other promising new treatments on the horizon. Hopefully they may be priced more reasonably.

If you or someone you know has metastatic melanoma, talk to your doctor about enrolling in a study. Gone are the days when you will be randomly selected to receive the study drug or doomed to unknowingly receive the sham placebo treatment. I have several patients with advanced melanoma doing quite well in a few studies thus far. It also gives meaning to their suffering and a chance to fight back. While preparing this article it dawned on me that perhaps no other cell in the body has been responsible for more misery in mankind than the melanocyte. Historically, the functions of your melanocytes could doom you to a live of slavery, limit your martial prospects, curb your economic potentials, or simply make you drink from a different water fountain.

In conclusion, I would encourage each of you to see a dermatologist for a full skin exam. You may say to yourself, "My moles look fine. Nothing has changed". To which I would ask, "Would you bet your life on it?"

Dr. Derrick Adams, DO, FAOCD
Board Certified Dermatology
Medical Director of Vita Dermatology & Laser Institute
Red Bluff, CA
Inventor of Sasquatch Itch Cream for the Cure of Poison Oak

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Tips To Prevent Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Skin cancer is a very commonly known form of cancer, affecting millions of people all across the globe. Melanoma, Basal cell carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma are the basic three types of skin cancer affecting people. However, this is the most widely diagnosed form of skin cancer which can be easily prevented if we take good care of our skin. The cancer hardly causes other health problems if it is diagnosed and treated rightly. But, if left untreated, it may also spread to all other parts of the body and hence, lead to fatal health conditions.

Cause of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is mainly a result of prolonged exposure of our skin to the harmful ultraviolet radiations from either the sun or the tanning beds. Protecting your skin from UV light is the best way to protect your skin from all types of skin cancer. Follow the below mentioned tips carefully and prevent the development of the cancer on your skin.

Learn why the cancer form develops - The best way to prevent any health condition is by learning all the details about it. Squamous Cell Carcinoma develops due to high exposure to sunlight or the tanning beds or tanning lamps. Now that you know the basic cause of the skin cancer, you can avoid exposure to sunlight or the other harmful radiations.Protect and care your skin - Always use sunscreen lotions on your skin before you go out in the sun. Apply sun-blocks even during cloudy days. Use a strong sun protection lotion with at least 15 SPF. Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes before you go out.Avoid high exposure to sun and harmful radiations - Avoid going out during the peak times, when the sunlight is strongest. Wear clothes that protect your skin from the radiations and harsh sunlight. If the UV rays penetrate deep into the skin, they can lead to cancerous lesions which may increase with more exposure.Learn about the Squamous Cell Carcinoma symptoms - The symptoms of the skin cancer can occur any place on your body, inside your mouth, on your genitals or even your anus. The symptoms include:Firm red nodules on your lower lip, hands, neck, ears, arms, etc.Flat scaly crusted lesion on hands, arms, ears and neck.Pre-existing scar gets more ulceratedRed patch occurs on your genitals or anusWhite patch formation in your mouth.Consult your dermatologist and get regular checkups - And finally, always consult your dermatologist for any doubt. Diagnosis at the right time will help you save your life and live healthy.

So, take good care of your skin and prevent the formation of Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Remember, Prevention is always better than Cure.

Avoid skin squamous cell carcinoma and enjoy great health and a glowing skin. Learn more about the skin cancer form at Squamous Cell Carcinoma Info.

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Resveratrol and Ellagic Acid, As Found in Muscadine Grapes, Can Help to Combat Skin Cancer

The war on cancer has never been waged as seriously as it is today, and based on the results of studies such as the one conducted by our group, we are winning. There are ways to fight and beat cancer, and we are only now uncovering the most effective methods.

Consider skin cancer. A new strategy to guard against the condition has been developed through studies, and the potential benefits of this method are significant. A recent study undertaken by the University of Texas has found that a dual approach to fighting skin cancer, utilizing a two-front combination of resveratrol and ellagic acid, has yielded tremendous results.

Many are familiar with resveratrol. Its a naturally produced phenol that has become widely utilized in recent studies pursuing its health applications, the most notable being cancer prevention. The skin cancer study, a continuation of this research, advanced on the theory that a concurrent topical and dietary treatment, augmented with select compounds such as resveratrol and ellagic acid, would allow for greater prevention of skin cancer.

The comprehensive study tested a variety of combinations, including ellagic acid, resveratrol and Calcium D-glucarate on mice. Resveratrol was topically applied while the grape seed extract was added to the diet, in addition to being topically applied. The results suggest the design of this combination against skin cancer is effective.

The skin tissue of the test mice which received the various combinations, were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the different approaches. Each select combination produced a definite, demonstrable reaction. In some cases, the reaction was significant. It was found that selected combinations influenced the epidermal-thickness compared with the DMBA-treated groups. The reaction was a marked decrease. Combinations of resveratrol and grape seed extract, among other substances, showed a synergistic effect on the skin tissue.

Grape seed extract, and more specifically, that of muscadine grapes, has the highest levels of resveratrol and ellagic acid. For this reason, select grape seed extracts can be used to combat various forms of cancer, especially skin cancer. The conclusions of the study shows that ellagic acid acts as a natural complement to resveratrol, combining to form a natural defence against the development of skin cancer.

These results are exciting. They suggest a simple, natural method such as increasing your resveratrol and ellagic acid intake, can help to reduce the dangers of skin cancer. Such a method could be made widely available and benefit a great deal of people, including skin creams and health supplements.

Leo Day

For more information on resveratrol, ellagic acid and muscadine grape benefits, visit


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Detecting Skin Melanoma Cancers

When it comes to dangerous, deadly skin melanoma cancers, we need every weapon we can get. Now a new test, a simple, noninvasive procedure that uses adhesive tape to painlessly gather cells from a skin lesion that looks suspicious can accurately identify melanoma in all stages, from early to advanced.

Today melanoma is often identified by visual exam followed by biopsy, an uncomfortable, somewhat painful procedure that collects cells that are then sent to a pathologist for examination.

A new study reports on the new testing method used for a year at 18 different sites in the United States, finding that it was able to identify melanomas with a 100% test rate and a 12% false positive rate.

That's better than anything in use today. Interestingly, there are studies that suggest 40 biopsies are done for each melanoma detected, and this is important to remember. It is thought that this new test will give dermatologists a tool to assess patients before a biopsy, and with the low false positive rate, should reduce the number of more invasive procedures that need to be performed.

The experimental tape used in the study is able to harvest cells from the skin surface, and was developed by a biotech company, which was also the source of funding for the research.

The test uses a patented technology to collect samples from a worrisome skin lesion. During the research, the samples were sent to the lab for analysis; earlier studies had already identified genes specific to melanomas. The latest analysis looked at 17 of these.

According to the researchers, the 17-gene biomarker is able to tell the difference between early and very invasive disease.

The researchers are trying to make this melanoma tape test more affordable, and there'll be lots more testing before they seek approval by the FDA. They hope (if all goes to plan) the test will be available to doctors in around two years. Then it will be up to dermatologists to embrace the new procedure.

The new test might be particulary appealing to those who don't want a biopsy scar on their face or on other visible body parts like arms or legs, or for times when a biopsy would cause undue pain.

Experts tell us that melanoma incidence has increased dramatically in the last 20 years. The increases in America are especially dramatic in specific populations - young women and older gentlemen. The National Cancer Institute has numbers that put the invasive melanoma rates up by just about 4% a year for women 15 to 34 years old since 1995. For men over 65, the rates have shot up by nearly 9% a year.

When it comes to melanoma, or any skin cancer, your best bet is to keep in mind the ABCD system
- Asymmetry (one half different from the other),
- Borders (irregular edges),
- Color (changes from one part to another) and
- Diameter (larger than a pencil eraser).

If you catch skin melanoma cancers early, they are very treatable. This form of cancer is far more dangerous (deadly) once the cancer cells have the chance to spread into the body beyond the skin. Which is why new testing methods that are easy, noninvasive and accurate will always be a welcome addition.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover how you can reduce your risk of developing skin melanoma cancers and other cancers through natural remedies and lifestyle changes.

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