Vitamin D3, The "Sunshine" Vitamin

It's been said that "more" is better, but with regards to sunshine that "more" has been proven to have results we do not need. Sunshine is a vital part of our lives and to not have it means serious health problems. Too much or too little sunshine can lead to serious problems both inside the body and outside on the skin. While it's not always practical to depend on sunshine, it's difficult in our diets to get sufficient amounts of the vitamins it gives us. In these cases a vitamin supplement is needed.

Science has proven that the many benefits from taking a vitamin D supplement are practical. It is helpful in regulating blood pressure, boosting immunity, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. In addition to its role in bone metabolism, vitamin D has shown to help prevent or help a verity of cancers. Limited amounts of this vitamin can be obtained from the ultraviolet rays in sunshine, and a few minutes a day are sufficient while too many tends to destroy the vitamin and its benefits.

When you are young, getting skin cancer from too much sun can seem to be a small price to pay for that "fun in the sun" time. Some skin cancers take time to develop, but years later as we age we find ourselves having to go to a skin specialist to try to correct the damage we have received from too much sun. Limiting our time in the sun and being sure our skin is protected is necessary, and a vitamin D supplement will provide us with many internal and external health benefits.

Sometimes the cure for a disease can be worse than the disease itself, and this is often the case with cancer, both internal and external. Vitamin D studies show that this vitamin is important for preventing and treating many types of cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends the safest way of getting vitamin D is from food or supplements, not the sun.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays have been linked to skin cancer, skin aging and eye damage in the elderly who have a reduced ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. There are two types of ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB. The UVA rays are the rays that burn our skin while UVB rays pass through the outer skin layers and cause problems internal to the body.

Sunlight is our normal source for vitamin D and overexposure has been directly related to skin cancer. Currently there are several questions being asked as to the value of sunscreens, do they really block the ultraviolet rays and if so, do they also block the vitamin D from getting into the body. There are more than 2 million cases of serious skin cancer reported a year in the United States, and almost 20% of Americans will develop some form of skin cancer over their lifetime.

Fair skinned people need to take vitamin D supplements, and of the various types available, vitamin D3 has been found to be the most beneficial. It is estimated that 37% of people in the United States are currently taking vitamin D, but there is still an overwhelming majority that are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency. Some study's have shown that people with higher rates of vitamin D in their blood have been found to have lower rates of skin cancer.

Vitamin D3 Tablets provide all the health benefits this vitamin has proven to offer. Vitamin D is known as "the sunshine vitamin" for its ability to be helpful with many health benefits normally obtained through the sun. It has shown positive results in dealing with cancer and various skin conditions among its other accomplishments. These tablets are a dietary supplement as diets alone only account for very little vitamin D found in the blood.

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Vitamin D3 Tablets

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Skin Moles Associated With Melanoma

Generally, skin moles are harmless features on your body. However, do not deny that these skin moles are a cause for concern. Have you ever encountered the word 'Melanoma'? It is the medical condition of a person having skin cancer. There are so many factors that serve as promoting factors, to convert skin moles into a serious cancer. It is important to know what these factors are in order to steer clear of having skin cancer.

Some of the factors that can turn moles into melanoma include the presence of dysplastic nevus or the presence of more than 50 moles in the body. Having a lot of moles or dysplastic nevus does not automatically make one have cancer, though. But if you compare the chances of getting cancer of one person with a lot of moles and another with less, the latter will have lesser possibilities. This was also backed by scientific research.

A lot of research was also put on the other causative factors. Melanoma might also be associated with genetic factors. You may have melanoma, if you notice that it runs in your family. For instance, if you have your very close relatives like father, mother or siblings with skin cancer, then you might have a higher chance. In some families, there will be certain inherited diseases or disorders like xerodermapigmentosum. When that happens, melanoma occurrence is highly probably because of the skin's sensitivity to the sun. But there are a lot of wonderful remedies to remove them, so don't be too concerned. Thanks to the advancements in technology, complete mole removal is possible. Melanoma patients have successfully undergone laser surgeries.

Sensitivity to the sun sometimes does not come naturally to the skin. However, sensitivity can develop due to the use of certain antibiotics and drugs. Cancer tendencies can also be increased by the intake of some hormonal tablets. In these cases, you will experience having your immune system become suppressed. Thus you might end up having melanoma. This is not to cause unnecessary alarm to people with moles.

It is only meant to make people more aware and mindful of their moles. If they avoid the causative agents, melanoma can be easily prevented in future. The sensitivity to sun exposure is higher for those with very fair complexion. People with fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair have a higher chance. They need to be more careful, while traveling in summer. Moreover, if you have already developed one kind of melanoma, it is easier to get other associated kinds of melanoma. You may be aware of some people using sun lamps or tanning booths. People with moles who are under 30 years of age are warned by doctors against using these tanning booths. Avoid exposing your skin to them for prolonged periods of time.

I hope that this article makes you aware about all the indicators that show how a normal skin turns out to be cancerous. Again, they are not dangerous and benign. Generally, they do not pose any threat to humans. In fact, in some cultures, they are regarded as beautiful if found on certain parts of the body.

In order to understand a bit more concerning removing skin moles. Pay a visit to

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Deadly Skin Cancer Types

An important warning for us all with regard to skin cancer types. Today more patients than ever survive dangerous melanoma than in past generations, but the rate of death for one form of this disease hasn't budged in 30 years.

Nodular melanoma accounts for 14% of melanomas that are diagnosed, but makes up a startling 37% of untimely deaths from the disease according to a recent study.

The reason this form of cancer contributes to so many deaths is that it doesn't always look like what we expect to see. It can appear without warning on the surface of the skin and can be hard to spot because it's often light or nearly colorless, and doesn't adhere to the ABCD characteristics we've all been taught to look for.

Just like the more well known radial melanoma, nodular melanomas start out in skin cells that are called melanocytes that product melanin. Most melanomas stay in the skin's top layer, going down no more than one tenth of a millimeter. Radial melanomas are easier to see as the diameter goes up.

For nodular melanoma the cancerous cells reach a point where they start to grow vertically, sending roots into the fat and other tissues of the body. The depth of the cancer determines how likely you are to survive. For a cancerous growth that goes 3.5 to 4 millimeters deep, only 60% of patients will live for five years.

This latest study examined over 100,000 cases of melanoma diagnosed between the years 1978 and 2007.

They saw that at least 20% of nodular melanomas were fatal. You should understand that there's an acknowledged limitation of the work - not all physicians report the type of melanoma and the team was unable to double check the reports during the study.

While public health officials and others have done a great job of getting the word out about ABCD characteristics when it comes to identifying skin cancer, experts now believe other letters should be added to the mix to help identify the nodular types of these cancers. We've been taught to watch for any of these...

- Asymmetry, one side doesn't match the other

- Borders, where moles have irregular edges

- Color, color changes or a variety of colors

- Diameter, anything over 6 millimeters wide

But we should also be watching our skin surface for E, F and G as well. Any mole or other growth that has all of these characteristics should be checked by a dermatologist at once. They are...

- Evolving, where the mole or nodule is changing quickly over a short period of time

- Firm to the touch

- Growing for more than two to three weeks

Also good to know, nodular melanoma can happen in a mole, but are more likely to develop without warning on normal skin

In most cases the various skin cancer types, including melanomas are easy to detect, treat and cure. Dermatologists suggest that you get to know your own skin by doing full body self-exams once each month. If you're worried about something you see... get to the doctor right away. Often patients realize something is wrong. Don't give up if the first physician you see doesn't respond as you like... keep looking until you find one who will take action.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to learn more on recognizing and treating the various skin cancer types.

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