Does Working in a Tanning Salon Increase My Chances of Skin Cancer?

The chances of skin cancer... do you wonder about this as you perhaps look at the amazing internet coupon "buy now" deal? A consumer has a choice as to what kind of exposure, how much, none at all. But does working in a tanning salon increase the chances of skin cancer? What exposure could you be getting to possible cancer-causing UV rays?

It is commonly assumed that as a tanning salon worker you will get exposure to the fluorescent light UV rays from demonstrating use to a customer, or just in momentary help. Because your exposure is constant, and ongoing, it could be safe just to assume that your risk for skin cancer is higher, and you want to boost your immune system in every way possible.

The United Kingdom has already passed legislation banning the use of tanning salons to anyone under 18 years of age. The State of New York has introduced legislation requiring parental consent for the use of tanning beds for anyone between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. So obviously concern is growing.

What experts do know about skin cancer is that high exposure of sunlight or tanning beds before the age of thirty raises the risk of melanomas. And overexposure to ultraviolet rays does cause premature aging and wrinkles in the skin.

Yet, theoretically at least, cancer is a systemic condition of the immune system. Supposedly, if your immune system is working, the risks of any kind of cancer is decreased. So you are tempting fate and pointing to your skin as a candidate for cell overgrowth if you are experiencing constant exposure to UV rays without any special care to your overall health.

Your Endocrine System Is The Director Of Your Immune System

Your endocrine system consists of the following glands:
pituitarypinealthyroidparathyroidpancreasovariestestesadrenal glandsthymus

The endocrine glands secrete hormones which travel through the blood and participate in the various functions of every cell in your body. This includes growth factors, and toxic waste removal factors, both of which can contribute to cancers if the regulation gets disrupted by something.

Stress, both as a one time shock, or chronic and daily, is a prime disruptor of the finely tuned endocrine factories, regulated by your brain. Food additives, drugs, alcohol, sugars, fat imbalances or deficiencies, all disrupt the endocrine system.

The pituitary gland is considered the master gland, and its activities affect all the other glands. It regulates metabolism, your nervous system and your skin (among a hundred other activities). Sunlight activates this gland, and darkness calms it. Both necessary conditions.

The pineal gland has a very specific crucial function - it secretes melatonin. Melatonin is one of your body's most potent antioxidants, important for preventing the development of cancer.

The thyroid gland regulates the metabolism and the immune system as well. It also regulates the reproductive glands, so when those glands are malfunctioning, the thyroid is also operating at low or high levels, and should be corrected.

The thymus gland secretes hormones that act like antibiotics, triggering the destructive of invading pathogens. A zinc deficiency will shut this important gland down. Radiation will destroy the thymus gland. Yet, it can be treated with natural medicines.

Volumes of information have been written about the endocrine system and I mention it just to introduce the idea that it can get off kilter very easily. Yet, it can also stay very healthy with proper nutrition. Primarily, healthy oils, providing enough omega 3 fatty acids to balance the constant intake of omega 6 oils from grains and grain fed animals.

So you are working in a tanning salon and are constantly exposed to UVA radiation. But you can compensate for the fact that this possibly increases your risk of skin cancer. There are guidelines to staying healthy despite this. Natural whole food supplements can be easily integrated into your meal plans.

Don't panic about all this. Focus on organic fresh foods, and simplify life with a couple of supplements such as omega 3 oils and a powerful mixed antioxidant green foods supplement. Start right now!

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