3 Tips to Help You Avoid Developing Skin Cancer

Cancer, the most dreaded word after AIDS. Yes. It's true. We all want to stay away from it, as far as possible. We don't want to touch it even with a ten foot pole. God forbid, if any one is diagnosed or even asked to go for a biopsy, life becomes hell (till cleared). Forget about the treatment--which is not conclusive even in this age--it does more damage than treat. The side effects give more publicity than the disease itself: patches on open skin, bulges on or near treatment area, rapidly losing hair leading to baldness, fearful eyes, changed overall behavior and what not! The unlucky one needs to live with it.

I think its enough description. But I had to put it. Because only then I could emphasize how you can possibly avoid it. I use the word "possibly" because nothing in this world is foolproof. But then there are two foolproof things: one that we can not go away from "the moment of truth" and the other one we are going away from: nature. That's the first tip: stay closer to nature.

Let us have an example. All medical journals talk: prolonged exposure leads to cancer. I am not categorizing any causes, there may be many. But consider this: Indian summer months often cross 120 degrees Fahrenheit, local populace don't have enough clothes to cover their bodies, yet we don't see considerable population affected by the prolonged exposure. The locals eat raw onion, chillies and other local fruits & vegetables and for them the Sun does not exist. Women breast-feed their children, continue feeding till the next baby arrives and never get breast cancer. Allow your organ to do what it is supposed to do and it never develops the unwanted: the same tip, stay close to nature helps prevent complications.

Have a headache? Pop in a pill. No mustache? Get hormone treatment. Going out in the Sun? Use sunscreen. What the heck! All are chemicals. Do not go by the research journals alone. They hide more than they reveal. There are commercial lobbies & interests to stub the findings. Do some research on your own. Fashion & lifestyles are necessary but should not be bounding. Use a hat to avoid the Sun. Try to bear some pain, indulge in other work and your brain will forget. Fantasize often, it works wonders, and that's the second tip.

The doctors treat you for your disease, as it appears NOW. They don't know how you spent your childhood, your teen & middle age. Whether you drank beer or coke (good for cleaning toilets) instead of water, or kept yourself hydrated well, you popped too many pills or slept in Oxygen nets (like late Michael Jackson). Too much of anything and it hurts, not today but later when you grow old. Mend your ways, it is never too late. This is the next quarter-tip.

Do you take a morning stroll or run daily? Well, running one or two miles is enough, excess is bad. Your body is not made for running. Walking is good, for any length. Walking provides good lubrication for joints, with zero stress. Rope climbing, skipping ropes, laughing are good for health. Those who fear exercising stand to lose on every front. Accidents, injuries & trauma are part of life. They will always make inroads in our lives, but you can prevent injuries and give accidents a slip. This is the tip number two and a half.

Remember, we spend more than 12 hours standing / walking / working and so, our shoes should be comfortable. Next 6-8 hours in bed, so even that should be comfortable. The food we eat provides all the energy hence it should be filling, nourishing and satisfying. Binging once or twice a week is okay, excess is bad. Eat good food is the next tip.

The brain controls our body. What do you do to nourish it? You may sleep but brain functions, like our heart. Smile, laugh, crack jokes that induce laughter, weep till tears flow and meditate often. Spirituality is good for your brain, it soothes your nerves, silently. Read a page or two everyday of any holy text, especially before retiring to bed. If you cannot stand, listen to cool music. This the last tip.

Friends, stress, strain, tension are all here to stay. Lubricate all your body parts, avoid excess and stay by nature are the mantras to put cancer at bay.

Be selfish, for your body's sake. Prevent accidents, injury and trauma. Click Here Improve your life. Show others how to. Contribute something to humanity.

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