How Would You React If You Were Diagnosed With Skin Cancer?

Whenever you are sitting in a doctor's office, you usually tend to get a feeling any news will be bad news. Now just imagine sitting there and having your doctor utter the words, that you have cancer.

What would your initial reaction be to hear such news. Would you panic? Would you be in Shock? What would it mean to your life, your family, your friends if you found out you had cancer. What if it is terminal condition?

A diagnosis of cancer carries a certain stigma to it. You might begin to wonder what you did wrong. Getting diagnosed with cancer is bad enough, but the type of cancer is critical to your ultimate outcome. Fortunately, skin cancer is both treatable and preventable.

What are we talking about when we say skin cancer? In the most basic of terms, it is an unnatural growth in the layers of the skin. The growth typically occurs in the outer layer or epidermis.

It is primarily caused by sun exposure. The exposure can be for short durations that result in burns, but they can also result from exposure over long periods of time.

There are three different types with each having its own outcome.

Basal cell is the most frequently seen skin cancer. It is rarely fatal, it can also be hereditary. If your family has a history of it, get checked out.

Squamous cell can become a nasty form of skin cancer and it can also be caused by things other than the sun. It can affect both the skin and internal organs. The skin version is treatable, but it can spread and become deadly.

Malignant melanoma is the worst type. It is generally fatal if not treated early, but is the rarest form diagnosed.

Skin cancer is easily prevented by avoiding repeated exposure to the sun. If you take simple steps and limit your exposure, you can decrease your risk.

Do you need to stay inside all the time? Not at all, just use common sense and protect your skin as best you can.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was diagnosed early and removed.

Original article

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