Daily use of sunscreens can prevent melanoma in adults according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology on December 8 2010. The trial involved 1621 randomly selected participants and was conducted between 1992 and 1996. Half the group applied the sunscreen every day and the other half were left to apply it when they felt it necessary.The participants were examined 15 years later and the number of people who developed melanomas in the group that rigidly applied sunscreen every day was only half that of the group who were allowed to apply sunscreen whenever the thought necessary.
How to use sunscreens
First of all avoid the summer sun for 4 hours around midday if possible. This is between 10am and 2pm. Adjust for daylight saving if it is in your area. Always apply sunscreen to cool dry skin. This means applying before you go out in the sun and allow to dry before sun exposure (15 minutes should be sufficient). Applying sunscreen at the beach when you are standing in the sun and already have beads of perspiration on the skin is NOT the way to get the sunscreen to adhere to the skin. Every two hours come into the shade, cool down, dry off and re-apply and allow to dry before going out in the sun.
Always choose a sunscreen with a rating of 30+. Some sunscreens have higher ratings but are required by law to only show a lower value. The value means that you can theoretically stay in the sun 30 times longer without developing sunburn.
I STRESS that this is a theoretical rating only and would only apply in ideal laboratory conditions. In practice we go into the water so a little is washed off (how much depends on how dry it was before we entered the water). Then we come out of the water and towel dry. This will often rub off any remaining sunscreen. Hence the need to re-apply.
Then we come to the but...
Preventing the suns rays from reaching the skin also prevents the body from making adequate amounts of Vitamin D3. This occurs with both clothing in cooler months and sunscreens in the summer months. Low levels of Vitamin D3 have been associated with increased risk of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers. Adequate levels of Vitamin D3 also help protect against melanoma.
So too little is bad for you, too much is worse
The happy medium... An exact amount of exposure has not been worked out and it is complicated by the various skin types, The indications are at the moment that 2-8 minutes every day total body exposure (swimsuit for birthday suit) is enough.
Because of the uncertainty and the seriousness of getting it wrong many people are now opting for supplementation i.e Vitamin D3 in a capsule form. The best source I have found is Metagenics which you can obtain through your Natural Health Practitioner or if you are in Australia you can contact me by email jeff@weightmanagementaustralia.com.au and I will arrange for a delivery to you from the manufacturer.
Jeff Sommers is a Pharmacist and Bowen Therapist who has studied natural health solutions for many diseases.
Preventing disease is far preferable to treating disease and adopting a healthy lifestyle based on eating correctly, exercise and supplements is the key to a longer more productive life. More information can be obtained at http://www.weightmanagementaustralia.com.au/
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