Skin Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for both women and men. The number of confirmed cases has steadily increased over the past few decades. Knowing your risk factors, how to identify the early stages of this disease and how to protect yourself from skin cancer is essential for early detection and effective treatment.

There are two types of skin cancer: melanomas and keratinocyte cancers. Melanomas are less common yet more serious than other types of skin cancer. It is important that you locate and receive treatment for all types of this cancer to prevent the spread into surrounding tissues.

A major risk factor for skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight or tanning beds. UV rays can penetrate the skin even when it is cloudy, cool or hazy outside. There are some things you can do to limit your sun exposure. Many physicians recommend daily use of sunscreen. You should seek shade when spending time outdoors and try to avoid activities outside when the sun's rays are strongest, usually between 10am and 4 pm. Hats, sunglasses and protective clothing protect your skin from UV exposure. Stay away from indoor tanning beds as they have been linked to melanoma and squamous cell skin cancers.

Individuals with fair skin that freckles and burns easily are at a higher risk for this type of cancer than those individuals with darker skin. This is because pigment or melanin in your skin provides protection from UV radiation. If you have light-colored eyes and blond or red hair, you may be at a higher risk as well. According to the Mayo Clinic, some other risk factors include:

Personal or family history of skin cancerExcessive sun exposureHistory of sunburnsMolesWeakened immune systemIncreasing age

No matter what your risk factors, it is important that you examine your skin each month. Many skin cancers are highly treatable with early diagnosis. Look for any changes in moles or unusual areas on your skin. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for a thorough skin exam each year. These check-ups are the best way to make sure that your skin remains healthy.

If you or the dermatologist finds a spot on your skin that causes concern, he may take a biopsy of the area. If the lab finds cancerous or pre-cancerous cells, more tests may be needed to determine the stage, type and extent of the cancer. Once the cancer is staged, the physician will determine which treatment options will be most effective. Most skin cancers are highly treatable if found early. Follow up exams and tests will be needed to ensure that the cancer does not reoccur.

While there is no way to avoid UV exposure completely, taking a few precautions can make a big difference in the overall health of your skin. Be vigilant about your skin checks and contact your physician with any concerns. With a little bit of prevention and routine checks, you may be able to lower your risk for developing any form of skin cancer.

Laura Mims is a writer for FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina, which specializes in oncology, cancer care and cancer treatment for most types of cancer, including skin cancer.

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Basal Skin Cancer - My Recent Experience - Mohs Surgery Procedure

After 20 years of being cancer free from squamous cell carcinoma, suddenly basal skin cancer appeared near my ear. I'm glad to have already known some signs of basal cell carcinoma and some basics of Mohs skin cancer surgery, as that was the treatment recommended by my dermatologist.

Just knowing these simple warning signs, beforehand, and how it can be treated really pays off.

It was last May that I went to a free skin cancer screening. These free screenings are quick and not intended to be thorough. I pointed out to the dermatologist a few spots I was concerned about. She recorded them as actinic keratosis which is `sun damage`. On my request she did a quick full body exam and didn't see anything suspicious. She told me to make an appointment with a dermatologist to have the sun damage taken care of and for a more complete examination.

I didn't make an appointment immediately and a very short time later I saw the signs of basal cell carcinoma appear just under my ear at my jaw bone. They appeared very innocent and there was no flashing warning signs on them.

It did pay off to be suspicious of what I was looking at. I saw two little raised spots like a bump or growth that was flesh colored and kind of pearly looking. It felt kind of crusty and would bleed very easy then heal slowly. It was totally painless.

I continued watching them carefully and didn't make the appointment because I have had unusual things appear on my skin before and then disappear in time.

As I continued to watch these spots I finally was convinced that YES this does REALLY appear to be the signs of basal skin cancer. I made the appointment!

At the appointment, they sprayed the sun damage with liquid nitrogen and after several days it was gone. A biopsy was done on this new spot of concern. About 4 days later the results came back positive. It was definitely basal skin cancer.

I was scheduled for a Mohs surgery procedure. Since I already knew the basics of Mohs surgery, I was happy with the doctor's decision.

It is performed by a surgeon who is extensively trained in pathology. A Mohs surgeon examines the cancerous tissue as it is removed through a microscope. He continues to scrape away the cancerous tissue little by little until it is 100% gone. Only the cancerous tissue is removed leaving the healthy tissue.

It minimizes chances of re-growth with a better cosmetic appearance.

I was surprised to see when he finished that he had to remove an area that was 3 inches long by my measurement (17 stitches). It was more than what appeared visually to my eye and the examining doctor. The doctor said it was probably caused by my past radiation treatments, in 1990.

I hope anyone who reads this and has anything suspicious at all happening on their skin will grasp the urgency to have it examined by a dermatologist right away. Don't put if off. Although basal skin cancer grows slow, if left undetected in rare cases it can travel to other parts of the body.

If anything more significant with me occurs I'll post it in a future article.

Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. So, much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit or just go to

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Protect Yourself From the Sun, Not Your Sunscreen

Check your sunscreen label. If the active ingredients include one or more of the chemicals listed in this article, you need to look into a mineral based alternative.

In 1927, 12,745 physicians endorsed smoking Lucky Strike® cigarettes as a healthful activity; by 1999 smoking-related illness had become the number one cause of death in United States. Similarly, the rate of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has been on the rise since the first sunscreen arrived on the market in the late 1960's. Worldwide, the greatest rise in melanoma has been experienced in countries where chemical based sunscreens have been heavily promoted.

While it is important to protect your skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it may be just as important to protect yourself from the chemicals used in most sunscreens. Chemical-based sunscreens include ingredients that absorb UV radiation from the sun. These chemicals get into the skin and absorb UV radiation which leads to free radical release. Free radicals can damage cells and are believed to accelerate the progression of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and aging.

Health-related U.S. government agencies including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) all have important information about potential dangers of these chemicals.

The good news is avoiding chemical-based sunscreens may be easier than you think. Below is a list of some potentially dangerous sunscreen chemicals.

Oxybenzone Oxybenzone is a chemical that can be absorbed by the body and mimic or block hormones thereby disrupting their normal functions. Oxybenzone was found in 96.8% of human urine samples analyzed as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2008. The same study found a lower birth weight in baby girls whose mothers were exposed to Oxybenzone during pregnancy.

Oxybenzone is a photo-carcinogen, a chemical that can potentially cause cancer when exposed to light. Known as a powerful free radical generator, oxybenzone is used to destabilize chemicals in a number of industrial processes. In addition Oxybenzone has been known to trigger photo-allergic reactions. These allergic reactions are caused by exposure to UV radiation.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), an organization that specializes in environmental research and advocacy, identified nearly 600 sunscreens sold in the U.S. that contain Oxybenzone, including leading brand names like Hawaiian Tropic, Coppertone, and Banana Boat, and many facial moisturizers as well.

Avobenzone Similar to Oxybenzone, Avobenzone is a chemical that absorbs UV radiation and is easily absorbed through the skin, potentially releasing free radicals. Avobenzone has been shown to degrade significantly in light, resulting in less UV protection over time.

Octocrylene According to recent studies, Octocrylene, causes bleaching in the algae that lives on coral, often killing the entire structure. The UN World Trade Organization estimates 78 million tourists visit coral reefs each year, releasing between 4,000 to 6,000 tons of sunscreen into the water. Several marine reserves in Mexico have banned sunscreens that use oils and chemical ingredients.


The little amount of data on Octinoxate noted estrogenic effects as well as disruption of the thyroid hormone and brain signaling. Estrogenic effects can potentially increase cancers, cause birth defects in children, and cause fertility and other developmental problems.


Homosalate is a penetration enhancer that may promote the absorption of other harmful chemicals. Very little data exist on the effects of homosalate exposure, but preliminary data has found it to be a possible carcinogen.


Alone, octisalate may not be harmful. However, similar to homosalate, octisalate is a penetration enhancer and may promote the penetration of other harmful chemicals.


Although these reports are alarming, safer sunscreens do exist. Most physicians continue to support the use of sunscreen, but now advocate using physical barrier sunscreens instead of chemical based sunscreens. Rather than absorbing into the skin, a physical barrier sunscreen reflects or scatters UV radiation. It's like wearing millions of tiny mirrors. Most physical barrier sunscreens contain either zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. Click on any of the sunscreen ads located in this blog to purchase a safe and healthy sunscreen.

To learn more about safe and healthy products go to

Jenny Jauch

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What Really Is Skin Cancer?

There are three distinct types of skin cancer. They are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.

Of the three types, Malignant melanoma is the most serious type because this type of cancer can spread to other organs in the body (metastasis) and lead to death.

Melanoma is usually pigmented or colored and is more dangerous. Many moles aren't cancerous, but it's vital to be monitored by a physician to keep an eye on them.

As advances in medicine are made, the range of treatment options have proved successful. Current treatment may include surgical removal, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or biological therapy, depending on the type of skin cancer. When any type of skin cancer is found early enough, it is much easier to treat. If it is diagnosed late, the treatment is not as effective.

Malignant melanoma is more prevalent in women than men and it is one of the most common cancers in people in the age range of 20 to 35. It affects people who work indoors more than those who work outside.

The non-melanoma skin cancers affect more men than women. It also affects older people, particularly those who have spent considerable time working outdoors. Too much exposure to the sun and getting frequent sunburns in childhood as well as the teenage years can make you more prone to developing it later life.

According to statistics, individuals that are most at risk of developing this disease are people with light or fair skin, freckles, who burn easily in the sun and who already have moles and/or spend too much time in the sun without protection.

Dark skinned individuals rarely get this, but everyone must be careful. There are some rare, inherited skin diseases that can make people highly sensitive to sunlight and therefore much more likely to get any type of skin cancer.

It is not always possible to differentiate between the various skin cancers and benign skin conditions by examination alone. The physician may order a biopsy. Once the biopsy is examined and if it is confirmed as cancer, then the best treatment option available will be implemented to remove it.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was detected early before it spread.

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Vitamin D Facts Tell Us We Receive Health Benefits From The Sunshine Vitamin

The following Vitamin D facts tell us that the real connection between skin cancer and ultraviolet rays is overexposure. Our body produces Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the rays of natural sunlight. The beneficial rays of natural sunlight cannot penetrate glass. In our home or in a car, we cannot receive the beneficial Vitamin D from the sun.

It is very difficult to receive adequate amounts of Vitamin D from our diet. Sunlight is the most reliable way. It would take at least ten large glasses of Vitamin D fortified milk daily just to get a very minimum level of supply. The further you live from the equator, the longer sun exposure is needed to generate Vitamin D. Canada, the UK and most US states are far from the equator.

If you have dark pigmented skin you may need 20 to 30 times as much exposure as fair skinned people to generate the same amount of Vitamin D. Because of this sunlight deficiency, prostrate cancer is prevalent among black men.

A sufficient level of Vitamin D is necessary for absorption of calcium in your intestines. A deficiency of this vitamin renders calcium supplements useless. A chronic deficiency of Vitamin D takes months of supplementation and sunlight exposure to reverse and rebuild your bones and nervous system.

One of the Vitamin D facts that most people wouldn't suspect is that overuse of sunscreen blocks your body's ability to generate Vitamin D by 95%. This can create a deficiency and actually cause disease. Note that I said "overuse of sunscreen", as sunscreen and protective clothing are necessary beyond a certain amount of exposure.

It is impossible to generate too much Vitamin D into your body from exposure to the sun. Your body will naturally only generate what it needs. A word of caution is that beyond this point you are overexposing yourself to the UV rays and this is when damage occurs on your skin.

Press on your sternum firmly and if it hurts, you may be suffering from a chronic Vitamin D deficiency right now. Before your body can use Vitamin D it is activated by your kidneys and liver. If you have kidney disease or liver damage, the ability of your body to activate Vitamin D may be greatly impaired. Vitamin D from natural sunlight is one of the most healing influences in your body and it is absolutely free.

Again, if you're unable to obtain enough sunlight exposure, do take good quality Vitamin D supplements along with any other vitamin/mineral supplements you may need. Any qualified holistic doctor could help to determine any deficiencies in your body.

Knowing these Vitamin D facts early on in life and carrying them throughout your lifetime would be a wise decision for anyone. So receive the health benefits of Vitamin D without being afraid. Just be sensible.

Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. So, much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit his website at If you have any personal experience with skin cancer at any stage, you may share it here. To learn about the point when benefits from sun exposure stop and damage begins, Click Here.

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How Would You React If You Were Diagnosed With Skin Cancer?

Whenever you are sitting in a doctor's office, you usually tend to get a feeling any news will be bad news. Now just imagine sitting there and having your doctor utter the words, that you have cancer.

What would your initial reaction be to hear such news. Would you panic? Would you be in Shock? What would it mean to your life, your family, your friends if you found out you had cancer. What if it is terminal condition?

A diagnosis of cancer carries a certain stigma to it. You might begin to wonder what you did wrong. Getting diagnosed with cancer is bad enough, but the type of cancer is critical to your ultimate outcome. Fortunately, skin cancer is both treatable and preventable.

What are we talking about when we say skin cancer? In the most basic of terms, it is an unnatural growth in the layers of the skin. The growth typically occurs in the outer layer or epidermis.

It is primarily caused by sun exposure. The exposure can be for short durations that result in burns, but they can also result from exposure over long periods of time.

There are three different types with each having its own outcome.

Basal cell is the most frequently seen skin cancer. It is rarely fatal, it can also be hereditary. If your family has a history of it, get checked out.

Squamous cell can become a nasty form of skin cancer and it can also be caused by things other than the sun. It can affect both the skin and internal organs. The skin version is treatable, but it can spread and become deadly.

Malignant melanoma is the worst type. It is generally fatal if not treated early, but is the rarest form diagnosed.

Skin cancer is easily prevented by avoiding repeated exposure to the sun. If you take simple steps and limit your exposure, you can decrease your risk.

Do you need to stay inside all the time? Not at all, just use common sense and protect your skin as best you can.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was diagnosed early and removed.

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No Family Link Observed Between Parkinson's Disease And Melanoma

Earlier research had claimed that people who had melanoma running in their families were at a higher risk of getting Parkinson's. However, a new research now claims that there is no connection between these two diseases. The researchers of the new study though are quick to point out that this does not mean that there is no genetic connection between Parkinson's and melanoma. There could be, but this connection may not have an effect.

Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer that is no very common, but it can be quite aggressive and fatal. It has been seen that this kind of cancer is prevalent in families and if a person has a couple of close relatives who have been diagnosed with melanoma, then he or she is at a higher risk of getting it.

A study conducted in 2009 on over 150,000 adults concluded that melanoma patients' parents, siblings and kids were twice as likely to get Parkinson's compared to people who did not melanoma running in their immediate family. In another research, the researchers found that a gene named MC1R, which is responsible for red hair and higher risk of melanoma, was also the gene that increased a person's risk to Parkinson's.

These two studies' findings were similar to studies conducted in the UK, the US and Denmark a few years ago which concluded that people suffering from Parkinson's had a higher chance of contracting melanoma.

While all these studies imply that the same gene is responsible for causing Parkinson's and melanoma, they have not been able to prove this fact.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in elderly care. He also offers top quality articles like:
Alzheimers And Coffee, Types of Dementia

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Basal Cell Carcinoma - A Quick Overview Of This Skin Cancer

A basal cell carcinoma is a cancerous skin lesion that grows slowly and rarely metastasizes (spreads). These lesions are common in areas of the body that are exposed to sun and men and women with lighter complexions are at higher risk. This article shares the medical signs and symptoms associated with basal cell tumors and how they are treated.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Signs and symptoms can be difficult for a lay person to correctly identify but most lesions will begin as a shiny dome-shaped nodule that later forms an indentation or ulcer in its center. It may crust, bleed, heal, then reopen again. These lesions are usually small (less than 1/2 inch) and are most common on sun exposed areas such as the backs of the hands, face, ears, arms, etc. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer and the least dangerous.

This form of skin cancer result from overexposure to the sun. This fact makes men or women with light complexions or outdoor occupations at higher risk of developing the condition.

If a suspicious ulcer is detected, a skin examination should be scheduled as soon as possible with a qualified medical doctor or dermatologist. A biopsy may be needed to determine the nature of the lesion.

For any person with a fair complexion or who spends a lot of time outside in the sun an emphasis should be place on prevention of skin cancer. This can include decreasing exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light with the use of clothing and hats or the use of sunscreen.

If a suspicious lesion is determined to be cancerous, surgical removal is the best option and may be followed by radiation therapy in advanced cases. Prognosis is very good if the basal cell carcinoma is detected early, however, new lesions may appear and the person should schedule regular skin examinations so subsequent lesions can be detected early.

Did you ever wish you had a simple tool that could walk you through your symptoms and lead you to an online diagnosis? Get a good idea of what your symptoms mean by simply answering yes or no using this Medical Symptom Checker

Click this link to visit and learn more about Basal Cell Carcinoma

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Beach Umbrellas Are A Necessity

We cannot even think about going to the beach without a beach umbrella! The UV rays at the beach are intense and are the number one cause of skin cancer. Beach umbrellas have come a long way in styles, colors and sizes. You can find just about anything you want, but keep in mind the better the fabric used the more sun protection you get.

In choosing a beach umbrella you should research the fabric used and see if it has been rated with an SPF factor such as the way outdoor sports clothing is rated. If you are thinking of a vinyl material it should be made with two or three-ply for increase in sun protection. Another quality your umbrella should have is the ease in putting it up and stability. Many times windy conditions exist at the beach and the umbrella you choose must have flexibility so it does not break or lose its shape. You are able to purchase beach umbrellas with a tilt mechanism, but most beach umbrellas are made to stick right in the sand and can be tilted at an angle to block out most of the sun's rays. There are devices that can be put down in the sand and attached to your umbrellas for the extra stability that you are looking for. You also want to pay particular attention to ventilation so if you are in windy conditions the umbrella will not blow down the beach and end up hitting someone. The vents allow the air to come and go without disrupting the placement of your umbrella.

Beach umbrellas alone will not protect you 100% from the sun be with the addition of sunscreen, sunglasses and hats you will be well on your way to blocking out most of the harmful UV rays.

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What Are the Absolute Basics of Skin Cancer

The exact cause of skin cancer is unknown. There are approximately one million people in the United States who are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.

Three basic types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.

Basal cell carcinoma is the most prevalent: easiest to diagnose and treat, can develop anywhere on your skin, it is most commonly found on areas that receive a lot of sun.

(BCC) basal cell carcinoma can cause: Scaliness of the skin, wounds that do not heal, patches of skin that resemble scars and crusty pink spots.

Risks: over exposure to the sun, light or fair skinned, male, having a family history.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is also very common. About 250,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, from over exposure to the sun.

Signs of (SCC) include: semi-hard to hard reddish bumps, elevated or flat crusty patches, areas that are red with ulcerated skin

Squamous cell carcinomas develop slowly over a period of time.

Risks: people who smoker, having either fair or light skin, male, and over exposure to the sun.

The most deadly and often fatal type of skin cancer is malignant melanoma. This type affects the cells that produce skin pigmentation.

Signs of melanoma: moles that feel hard or bumpy, an irregular shape of the mole. Frequently there is itching and the color or pigmentation around the mole can appear to be spreading

Risks: over exposure to the sun, being of fair or light skinned, having a family history of melanoma or having been previously diagnosed.

If each type of skin cancer is caught in the earliest stages, it can be treated effectively. Anytime that you notice a spot on your skin, you need to have it checked out by a physician. It is your best interest to find out as early as possible, as it may save you a lot of pain and suffering later on.

Mickey Lieberman is a Computer Consultant with over 30 years of experience working with both IBM mainframes, in various capacities and PC's. My skin cancer was diagnosed early and surgical removed.

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Reasons Why There Is So Much Skin Cancer Now Days

Struggling with skin cancer because you've been in the sun too much and are blaming the sun? Despite what we're told, that's not quite true even though we believe the sun is our enemy and is the reason why there is so much skin cancer today. We've had decades of campaigns urging us to avoid the sun, stay in the shade, use sunscreens and generally have as little to do with the sun as possible yet the rate of skin cancer is still increasing.

For something that provides life on this earth the sun has received an enormous amount of bad press lately. There was a time when this disease of skin cancer didn't exist and that was only a few years ago so why is it causing such a problem now. One thing that skin cancer is doing now days is enjoying a great boon and there are plenty of people reaping the benefits from it. Have you ever noticed how many skin cancer clinics have sprung up in the last few years?

The bottom line is, the sun is not our enemy and it's actually our friend as life for all living creatures including humans wouldn't exist without it. It's not the sun that's entirely to blame for the problem of skin cancer as the sun hasn't changed and the ozone layer that protects us from harmful radiation from the sun's rays is only a problem over the Antarctic where nobody lives. So what is causing so much skin cancer?

Cancer may develop in any place on the body where there's been an irritation and while excessive sunburn can cause an irritation and blemishes to appear there are other factors that cause these blemishes to grow. What has changed in the last few years is our diet and it's our poor diet that is contributing to skin cancer which includes melanomas.

We need the sun everyday for the sun has amazing healing powers. A few minutes of sun exposure everyday on our bare skin heals cancer rather than causes it. We get important vitamin D from the sun which helps us absorb nutrients from the food we eat, especially calcium which is important for a cancer patient. It also helps us maintain the health of our bones and teeth. Other ways to get the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is from food such as oily fish and, to a lesser extent egg yolk, and meat such as liver. Also in some places milk has been fortified with the vitamin D.

While over exposure to the suns rays can be harmful, especially to a light skin person, 10 to 15 minutes of the suns rays on our face, arms or legs everyday does have amazing healing qualities. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with either skin cancer or a melanoma it's important to get a little sunlight on your bare skin everyday. That will help strengthen the immune system and will allow the body to fight and remove the cancer.

Typically conventional treatments for skin cancer focus on the symptom of the problem, which is the cancer growth. Learn about real cures that focus on the cause of the problem, that is why the cancer first appeared. Address that problem and the cancer will never come back. The reason why it commonly returns now days is because there is nothing in surgery, radiation or chemotherapy that will stop it from returning as they are only attempting to removing growths.

Our medical system can not match the astonishing healing powers of a healthy diet, a little exercise and some sensible natural sunlight.

Alan Wighton is an experienced natural therapist specializing in nutrition. This article is part of the information contained in his book on genuine ways to overcome cancer. For further information on how to become cancer free using the powerful natural healing ability of the human body which includes the sun please visit; skin cancer healing.

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How to Tell If a Mole Is Cancerous?

Firstly, don't panic!

Even if the mole does turn out to be cancerous - provided action is taken early the outcomes are generally good.

The first thing to do before even looking at any individual mole is to work out in your mind how likely it is to be a 'bad' mole or melanoma skin cancer.

We do this by stacking up all of the things that might possibly make us more worried about melanoma skin cancer. There's no hard and fast rule to this but the more worrying things there are in the story or 'history' that are present; the lower threshold for taking it out to check it under the microscope.

Cutting out moles to check them under a microscope is fairly straightforward but has it's own risks and will leave a scar. An expert dermatologists opinion together with a good history and examination will help to prevent unnecessary procedures.

So, what are the things in the history are more concerning?

1. Having had melanoma skin cancer in the past

2. Melanoma skin cancer in a 1st degree relative

3. Large numbers of unusual looking moles

4. Previous moles that have been 'active' (dysplastic moles)

5. Periods of intense, intermittent sun-exposure (e.g. lots of foreign, sunny holidays)

6. Fair skin, blonde/redhead, burns easily

7. Blistering sunburn as a child

8. Living or working abroad in sunny climates

9. Spending lots of time outdoors (farming/gardening/military etc.)

10. Mole is new

11. Mole is changing/becoming darker/growing in size

12. Mole is itching/crusting/bleeding or ulcerating

Any of these features may cause your dermatologist to consider removing the mole to check it and make sure it is ok. If more than one of the above is present, or if it looks abnormal to them then the threshold for doing this would also be reduced. A decision will often be made in the doctor's mind by this stage.

Next, they will want to look at the skin in generally and the mole itself and may also want to check to feel your lymph glands. There are various stages to this and often it is a more general, holistic process depending on ability.

The first step is to assess the skin overall and various questions (in no particular order) are considered by the doctor such as:

- Are there lots of moles overall?

- Does this mole look different to the others? ('ugly duckling' sign)

- Where is the mole? Is it on an area that gets lots of sun?

- Is the patient fair-skinned/blond or red-haired?

- Do they look like they might burn easily?

- Does the skin in general look like it has caught a lot of sun? Are there signs of photoaging?

- Are there any other areas that I'm worried about?

- Does the patient have any scars from moles that have been cut out before that they may have forgotten about?

- Do they look well/unwell?

- Are they tanned?

- What does the mole itself look like?

o Does the mole look symmetrical (good)? If you folded it in half would each half match the other?

o What do the edges look like? Are they regular (good) or irregular (more worrying) with lots of twists/turns

o Is the colour the same throughout the mole (good) or does it have darker areas or 2-3 colours within it (more worrying)

o How big is it? (moles >5-6mm are more concerning)

o Are there any hairs growing in it (generally good)?

- Are there any lumps or bumps in the lymph nodes that might show something has spread or raise the suspicion further.

In addition, moles that have been present many months unchanged are often more likely to be normal.

The next step is then to look at the mole under a dermatoscope (basically a magnifying glass and a light joined together). This is something that should be performed by an expert only as it can actually make things harder to interpret and cut accuracy in untrained hands.

The dermatoscope is very useful for confirming some features of both harmless and harmful pigmented lesions. It is particularly good at helping to show seborrhoeic keratoses (or seborrhoeic 'warts') which are completely harmless coloured 'moles' that nearly everybody gets with time. These can sometimes seem alarming to the untrained eye but clearly show a 'greasy', stuck on appearance with some characteristic features such as a 'warty' surface, pseudofollicular openings and milia-like cysts.

Harmful or worrying features under the dermatoscope include:

1. Assymetrical appearance or irregular border

2. Dark blobs/spots (particularly near the border)

3. Pseudopods (foot-like projections at the border)

4. Irregular pigment network

5. Blue-white 'veil' - a characteristic blue/white structure that appears when examined closely with a dermatoscope

6. Areas of 'regression' - where part of the mole appears to have disappeared or 'resolved'.

7. Signs of ulceration, crusting or bleeding

8. Abnormal colour patterns.

Using a combination of all the above a decision is then made about whether to remove the mole or 'watch and wait'. It is often helpful to have a baseline photograph of the problem regardless of whether a decision to remove it is taken or not.

Nothing in medicine is perfect and if there are any concerns at all then a decision may be made to remove the mole or to take a small sample ('biopsy') to confirm the first suspicions.

If you have any concerns about a mole at all (particularly with any of the above features) then it is best to have an expert health professional check it as soon as possible.

To learn more visit:

DermPlan - The Site for Skin!

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Sunscreens Prevent Melanoma But Watch the Vitamin D

Daily use of sunscreens can prevent melanoma in adults according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology on December 8 2010. The trial involved 1621 randomly selected participants and was conducted between 1992 and 1996. Half the group applied the sunscreen every day and the other half were left to apply it when they felt it necessary.The participants were examined 15 years later and the number of people who developed melanomas in the group that rigidly applied sunscreen every day was only half that of the group who were allowed to apply sunscreen whenever the thought necessary.

How to use sunscreens

First of all avoid the summer sun for 4 hours around midday if possible. This is between 10am and 2pm. Adjust for daylight saving if it is in your area. Always apply sunscreen to cool dry skin. This means applying before you go out in the sun and allow to dry before sun exposure (15 minutes should be sufficient). Applying sunscreen at the beach when you are standing in the sun and already have beads of perspiration on the skin is NOT the way to get the sunscreen to adhere to the skin. Every two hours come into the shade, cool down, dry off and re-apply and allow to dry before going out in the sun.

Always choose a sunscreen with a rating of 30+. Some sunscreens have higher ratings but are required by law to only show a lower value. The value means that you can theoretically stay in the sun 30 times longer without developing sunburn.

I STRESS that this is a theoretical rating only and would only apply in ideal laboratory conditions. In practice we go into the water so a little is washed off (how much depends on how dry it was before we entered the water). Then we come out of the water and towel dry. This will often rub off any remaining sunscreen. Hence the need to re-apply.

Then we come to the but...

Preventing the suns rays from reaching the skin also prevents the body from making adequate amounts of Vitamin D3. This occurs with both clothing in cooler months and sunscreens in the summer months. Low levels of Vitamin D3 have been associated with increased risk of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers. Adequate levels of Vitamin D3 also help protect against melanoma.

So too little is bad for you, too much is worse

The happy medium... An exact amount of exposure has not been worked out and it is complicated by the various skin types, The indications are at the moment that 2-8 minutes every day total body exposure (swimsuit for birthday suit) is enough.

Because of the uncertainty and the seriousness of getting it wrong many people are now opting for supplementation i.e Vitamin D3 in a capsule form. The best source I have found is Metagenics which you can obtain through your Natural Health Practitioner or if you are in Australia you can contact me by email and I will arrange for a delivery to you from the manufacturer.

Jeff Sommers is a Pharmacist and Bowen Therapist who has studied natural health solutions for many diseases.
Preventing disease is far preferable to treating disease and adopting a healthy lifestyle based on eating correctly, exercise and supplements is the key to a longer more productive life. More information can be obtained at

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New Studies in UVA Rays

Ultraviolet is a radiation that can pass through clouds and window glass. It causes the skin cells to change, which may lead to cancer. In the past, experts believed UVA rays, also called "aging rays," penetrates skin the most and leads to wrinkles. In addition, doctors believed UVB rays, or also known as "burning rays," which operates mainly on the outermost layers of the skin, where the majority of cancers develop.

UVA rays can further be broken down into something called UVA1. These rays are the lowest in energy, which accounts for approximately 75% of UVA2 and visible sunlight. UVA is also the main radiation used in tanning beds. Previously, people were not as concerned with UVA1. They were more focused on the UVA spectrum, which is closer to UVB.

In the new study, the UVA1 were able to create a similar type of DNA damage that is seen in early stages of skin cancer. This is important because studies have not seen similar results before. Experts say this is very crucial for people who regularly use broad spectrum sun protection. This is essential information for people who use hats, clothes, and sunscreen for safeguarding in the sun.

Most sunscreens have listed their sun protection factor (SPF) on the labels. The SPF only measures how well the product will block UVB, not UVA. With the new findings, this puts pressure on dermatologists to educate patients on good UVA protection with sunscreen. The changes will take effect next year to make easier for people to find sunscreen with broad-spectrum sun protection.

After UVA Exposure

In a study, the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, gathered 12 volunteers who never have used tanning beds or sunbathed naked. The volunteers exposed their buttocks, which is the least sun-exposed body part to UVA1 and UVB radiation. The light was applied long enough to cause the skin to burn. Researchers' then biopsied a small area of the burned skin to investigate for damaged DNA cells.

They found damage similar to exposed UVA skin, which has been known to lead to skin cancer. The researchers stated that these UVA rays revealed a larger rate than predicted. These particular lesions repair very slow. Even in small doses daily, can cause the damage to build up dramatically.

The deeper into the skin, the more damage UVA causes. It is due to a reflection process from the UVA. This is seen as a marker of UVA penetration. If it goes that deep into the skin, it may cause other damages, such as oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is an important factor to measure when it comes to cancer.

It is highly encouraged by doctors and scientists to wear protection when exposing the skin to damaging rays. They also recommend avoiding tanning beds completely. For a healthier alternative, it is highly encouraged to use airbrush tanning instead. Airbrush tanning, also known as spray tanning, does not expose the skin to deadly ultraviolet rays.

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How To Prevent Skin Cancer Starts With You

Knowing how to prevent skin cancer is usually not on anyone's mind until they have it. When that happens the ways to prevent skin cancer don't matter so much; it becomes a matter of how to get rid of it. Believe me; you don't want to arrive at that point.

So let's back up and look at what causes skin cancer and can it be prevented?

Having had it myself, my personal opinion is yes, in most cases it can definitely be prevented, even if you're a person considered to be at high risk.

High risk would mean you have a history of it in your family, you have light skin, blue eyes, red hair, lots of freckles, have been severely sunburned or consistently OVEREXPOSED to ultraviolet rays.

Learning how to prevent skin cancer or any disease is something that should begin early in life by eating healthy and taking control over your own health.

Some people are born with high risks. These can be compensated for by healthy eating and building a strong immune system.

Other risks you are not born with. You, and only you, have complete control over this! Parents know about sunburn and should know about how much sun exposure is beneficial and when it become damaging.

There's a lot to be learned here, but you can keep it simple by saying, eating whole foods, exercising and using good sense in the sun plays a major role in preventing this disease.

So here are some specific guidelines on how to prevent skin cancer:

• Take control of your own health, teach and help your children and those around you to do the same.

• Eat only whole foods such as grains, vegetables and fruits

• Avoid processed food, cereals, sugar, high fructose corn syrup and questionable chemical ingredients, to name a few

• Be sure to be getting a good source of vitamins and minerals. If you get very little sun exposure, be sure to eat vitamin D foods

• Supplement as needed, but be sure your supplements are from a whole food source

• Limit your sun exposure to 10 to 30 minutes, after that you should protect yourself

• Never allow yourself to sunburn

• Use a safe sunscreen without questionable, toxic ingredients

• Use sun protective clothing like wide brim hats and long sleeves

It is much better and less stressful to follow the simple practices above on how to prevent skin cancer than it is to be facing invasive treatments. If skin cancer goes undetected and progresses to a higher, more dangerous stage, then the battle can be tough and the effects long lasting.

Taking care of your own health pays off better than any other health care plan available.

There's more information on my site and if you happen to be already experiencing cancer of the skin at any stage, please tell you story on my site for the benefit of helping others deal with theirs.

I am a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. So, much of what I say comes from my own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit or just go to

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Minimizing Sun Exposure Is The Best Way To Prevent Skin Damage

Protect your skin from the sun when you can, wear protective clothing such as hats, long-sleeved shirts, long skirts, or pants. Use sunscreen lotion on your face, neck, hands, forearms and other unprotected areas of the skin. Be sure to choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or greater. Apply the sunscreen before going out in the sun.

Ultraviolet radiation can travel through car and home windows, where it can contribute to the daily accumulation of sun exposure that can lead to skin cancer and photo aging. Ultraviolet rays are a part of sunlight that is an invisible form of radiation. Just what is ultraviolet (UV) radiation? UV radiation, emitted by both the sun, and tanning beds and lamps, is a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent).

Skin cancers are a rapidly growing portion of all cancers diagnosed each year. These cancers are sometimes classified as either Melanoma or non Melanoma. They can sometimes arise from a non-cancerous skin condition called an actinic keratosis.

Basal Cell carcinoma (the most common form) and Squamous Cell carcinoma (the second most common form) are non-melanoma skin cancers linked with sun accumulation that has occurred over a number of years. Basal cell carcinoma usually occurs on areas of your skin that have been exposed to the sun. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are very common skin cancers with more than 1 million cases per year in the United States.

Melanoma is a more serious type of cancer than the more common skin cancers, basal cell cancer or squamous cell cancer, which begins in the basal or squamous cells of the epidermis. Most types of skin cancers can be effectively cured if found early, especially if it has not spread to nearby organs. The outlook depends on a number of factors, including the type of cancer and how quickly it was diagnosed. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma rarely spread to other parts of the body.

Melanoma also kills more young women under the age of 40 than any other cancer. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is diagnosed in about 59,000 people annually and was expected to cause 7,800 deaths during the past year. Melanoma is a more serious type of cancer than the more common skin cancers, basal cell cancer or squamous cell cancer.

Get your free report on sunscreen protection and learn how you can protect your skin naturally at Do need articles written for your business? Check out

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Prognosis For Melanoma

The prognosis for melanoma can be very good, especially when detected early.

The melanoma signs can appear anywhere on your body, but they most often appear on areas that have had the most sun exposure such as your face, arms, back and legs. It can also appear on other areas that have had very little sun exposure, such as under your feet, palms of your hands and at the fingernails. It is more common for people with dark skin to have these hidden melanomas.

One needs to be very aware of the dangers of radiation from the sun and tanning beds. All too often people raise their own risk of melanoma due to overexposure to ultraviolet rays. It needs to be kept in mind that melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer.

So what is the prognosis of melanoma?

Well it's similar to any skin cancer prognosis in that it depends on the staging. Whereas the two other most common types of skin cancer (basal cell and squamous cell) grow slower and are usually more detectable in the early stages, the melanoma staging can advance more quickly and undetected.

What appears as a simple mole on your skin can be travelling inward without you even knowing.

So be aware of any existing moles and be watching for any changes in color, size, shape and elevation. Be aware of any new moles occurring that you did not previously have.

Now back to the skin cancer prognosis for melanoma.

If detected in the early stage when still local, the prognosis is good or excellent. Survival rate at this stage is 95% to 100%.

If it has advanced inward deeper than 4 mm, then the survival rate is about 50% over a 5 year period. Stages 2 and 3 often have a good survival rate.

If it advances to the lymph nodes or blood, it can create tumors in other vital organs.

If you're not being told a good prognosis by your doctor, don't be willing to give up easily.

There are alternative options available that may work better for you. I'd recommend you read about Peggy Sue who was cured from cancer by alternative natural treatments after being given 3 months to live by the medical doctors. Here's her site:

Her cancer wasn't skin cancer, but you must keep in mind that the body is a whole and should be treated as a whole. Make the body well and you will be free of all disease.

Personally I would say, if your prognosis for melanoma is good, then it may be a good idea to let it be removed surgically.

But from that point on YOU should take control of your health by learning and living a healthier diet and life style.

It could mean a lot of drastic changes, but I did it and it's well worth it to me.

Gary Harmon is a 20 year survivor of stage III squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. So, much of what he says comes from his own experiences. If you want to learn more about skin cancer visit or just go to

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Curaderm B-5 Eggplant: An Alternative Cure for Skin Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer infects more than one million people yearly. Though skin cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, people die because of lack of knowledge or late treatment.

Skin cancer can be treated through chemotherapy, radiation technology or surgery. However, these treatments - though highly successful - tend to pose negative effects, such as weakening of the body's immune system which often leads to other sicknesses. Due to these side effects, scientists have sought for less invasive cures for skin cancer and thus, the Curaderm B-5 eggplant was developed.

Curaderm B-5 is a cream discovered by biochemist Dr. Bill Cham. According to Dr. Cham, using the cream is as good as undergoing surgery without the untoward after effects.

The main ingredient of B-5 is solsaodine glycoside, a substance which can be extracted from eggplants. The cream has successfully cured 95% of patients inflicted with both squamous and basal skin cancers. However, for melanoma skin cancer - the most fatal type of skin cancer - the effect of Curaderm B-5 is still under study. Melanoma cancer cells spread quickly into the bloodstream and other parts of the body while non-melanoma cancer mutates slowly and often times only stays within the skin cells. Up to date, it is still a question if the glycosides in B-5 can reach beyond the skin cells. The very few cases of melanoma also hinder the progress of researches because of lack of subjects. B-5 can also be used to treat Sarcoma; nonetheless this curative property has only been observed in laboratory mice and is yet to be tested in humans.

Unlike the conventional treatment methods, Curaderm B-5 will only eliminate the cancer cells without damaging the nearby healthy cells. Once the solsaodine glycosides enter the skin, they search for the damaged cells and the core of the cancer. They then trigger apoptosis or self-destruction of the cancer cells. After the apoptosis, new cells are formed and the infected tissues are replaced with new, normal ones.

Curaderm B-5 has been studied for more than 25 years and has been tested to skin cancer patients in the United Kingdom and Australia. Results revealed the cream doesn't cause any harmful effects to the human body. The patients also didn't develop immunity to B-5 even with continuous application.

It is important to note that to achieve positive results from the B-5 treatment; one must follow the prescribed dosage religiously. Failure of doing so will simply render the treatment useless. It is recommended to apply the cream three times a day until the ailment subsides. A regular 20mL bottle of B-5 can already be used to cure two large non-melanoma tumors. Treatment is longer depending on the stage of the cancer. A patient may also notice lesions on his skin after application but this isn't a negative sign. Actually, the lesions signify inflammation of the tissues and inflammation only occurs when a number of cells have died. This means the apoptosis of the cancer cells have started. The lesions will eventually cease and will not cause the patient severe pain or scars.

Curaderm B-5 is indeed a good alternative treatment for skin cancer. Perhaps one of these days, the components of the cream can also be used to cure other types of cancer.

For more information about Curaderm B-5 Eggplant please visit our site

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Help Prevent Skin Cancer With Omega Fish Oil Pills

Spending too much time in the sun leads to an acceleration of the aging process. In addition, spending too much time in the sun can lead to a higher risk of skin cancer. Recently, a study has proven that certain ingredients and supplements can help stave off the damage of the sun. These ingredients include oil omega 3 and tomato juice.

The Journal of Nutrition Reviews published this study that shows a high level of Omega 3 and antioxidants in a person's diet can fend off the chances of contracting skin cancer. One real life example of this is in the Mediterranean, where many foods include these ingredients and the cases of skin cancer are much lower than the rest of the world. In the past, studies have shown that sun does its damage when the UV rays cause skin cells to oxidize. This leads to a degeneration of the cells and they cannot repair themselves correctly. Antioxidants have the ability to boost the skin's ability to repair itself.

This study was performed at both the Tel Aviv University and the Rostock University. In the research, one group of adults drank an antioxidant laden beverages and the other group an ordinary soda. Once the study was complete, results showed those who drank the antioxidants had half as many oxidized cells as the other group.

The two long chain varieties of Omega fatty acids, called DHA and EPA can help slow down the spread of Melanoma as well as other varieties of skin cancer. In addition, a study that was performed in Australia indicated that people who consumed a regular diet of deep sea fish had an almost 50% lessened chance of contracting melanoma.

If you are wishing to find ways to avoid skin cancer for yourself, you cannot just use sun screen and hope that you will be well. Instead, you need to change your diet. Make sure to consume the fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants, such as carrots and tomatoes. In addition, consuming deep sea fish like tuna and salmon twice a week will give you the right amount of Omega three fish oil. If you would prefer to not eat fish, then you can purchase fish omega supplements.

If you're interested in reading more about omega three fatty acid and fish oil benefits, visit my site and download a FREE E BOOK, just click on this link

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BEC5 Skin Cancer

You can cure skin cancer with the help of treating it with eggplants. Treatments with eggplants revealed amazing results. So try out this alternative medicine instead of regular surgical procedures.

Do you believe it that there is a product which will help you survive skin cancer not only for a year or two but for a lifetime. You can see the success within three months. There are lot of cases which will prove this statement. This product does not harm healthy cells.

This research has been conducted by Royal Hospital London and not by some private company. But medical fraternity is not taking it very seriously. Only one doctor is convinced about its effects. He was convinced that taking help of Mother Nature is the best way to cure skin cancer. He was bent on changing things incorporated in modern medicine.

It is hard to believe that an extract of eggplant is very effective in curing skin cancer. Some researchers know this for around 20 years. It was Jonathan Wright who published this truth and accepted it. A research was conducted by Royal Hospital London which used a form of extract of an eggplant and this was termed as BEC5. In this experiment the doctors took into consideration both invasive and non invasive non-melanoma skin cancer. They were surprised by the end results. These results showed better performance than surgical procedures. By this process it was ensured that cancer does not make a comeback. Chemotherapy or other treatment procedures do not guarantee of the reoccurrence of cancer. This is considered as a major breakthrough in treatments for cancer.

Thus, it has become necessary to go through this non invasive procedure. In this regard we have to undertake a study of how an eggplant works as a miracle in curing skin cancer. Eggplant is an alkaline food. BEC5 works effectively because it contains a plant sugar called rhamnose. BEC5 recognizes rhamnose and binds it to the cancer cell.

The endogenous lectins enter the cancer cell and destroy them. This process produces a minimum side effect. You will find that your skin has become red. You can also experience shedding of unwanted skin cells. Your skin which is affected is required to be washed off with mild antiseptic. Be very careful and avoid contact with your eyes.

The treatment with this eggplant ranges from a period of 7 - 60 days. The success is dependent on the continuous application of this medicine. This treatment should not be used by those patients who are allergic to eggplants. It is also to be noted that application of BEC5 is forbidden on moles.

For more information about BEC5 Skin Cancer please visit our site

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Antibiotics Make You Susceptible to Skin Cancer

Do you know Some antibiotics can lead to a higher sun sensitivity of the skin and thus may lead to increased skin cancer risk?

Antibiotics make you susceptible to skin cancer

Most people believe that the sun is THE risk factor for the development of skin cancer.Hardly anyone is considering that there could perhaps be quite different causes.Antibiotics, for example, make the skin to sunlight only really sensitive and thus increase the risk of skin cancer considerably.

The skin protects itself
The human skin is not defenseless against the sun. Different body's protective mechanisms to preserve them from sunburn, from the negative effects of UV radiation and thus against malignant skin cancers. The protein p53, for example, among all the body's own sun protection mechanisms a real key role.

The cancer-protective police body
p53 not only protects the skin from the sun and consequently against skin cancer. p53 belongs to a type of cancer-protective police, who are in the whole body care that there are no cancerous changes. Thus one can degenerate into cells - no matter where they are located in the body - extremely high p53 levels observed, whereas in normal cells as well as no p53 proteins are present. What does p53 in transformed cells? It ensures that the damaged DNA regions * be repaired. If it turns out that the damage is irreparable, p53 causes the death of the diseased cell to prevent in this way that it evolved from a tumor.Thus p53 is a tumor-type brakes.

* = Genetic information of DNA in the nucleus

Cancer occurs only when the body's own cancer protection is blocked
If, however, p53 is blocked in some way, then multiply the cells degenerate and it leads to tumor formation. Furthermore, defects in the p53 protein leading to enhanced photocarcinogenesis - this is the development of skin cancer due to sun exposure.

Antibiotics block the body's own sun protection
However, p53 is not immortal. It is sensitive to cigarette smoke, X-rays, mold toxins, and drugs such as antibiotics or on some very general on chemotherapy. Under the influence of these confounding factors leads to defects in the p53 molecule that now protect its ability, the skin against the sun and the body from cancer, lose.

Several antibiotics are prescribed for many different complaints, not only in p53 inhibit its activity, but also other endogenous protective mechanisms against UV radiation. These include antibiotics such as those of the fluoroquinolone class, such as levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. The applications for these products are pneumonia, urinary tract infections, bacterial infections and many other intestinal infections.

Fluoroquinolones should really only be prescribed when it comes to combat pathogens that have compared the standard antibiotics already developed resistance. This planned economical use of fluoroquinolones had at least two reasons: should the one hand, the fact remains certain that in an emergency nor an effective means is available, and it wanted to the patient - avoid the serious side effects of this class of antibiotics - as long as possible.

Manufacturers advertise risky antibiotics
However, since the fluoroquinolone manufacturers make every effort to establish fluoroquinolones by heavy advertising in the therapist as antibiotics of choice in the outpatient practice, they are far more common than originally intended use. The result: further development of resistance in dangerous pathogens, and patients who are threatened by taking severe side effects.

Withdrawals of six antibiotics
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are known to damage the heart and the liver to promote tendon tears, trigger allergies and cause psychosis, which can bring the patient suicidal desires. Particularly because of their toxicity for the heart and liver were in Germany for six (in the U.S. nine) fluoroquinolone antibiotics - usually later, shortly after being admitted and few deaths and liver transplants - taken off the market.

It pays to read the information leaflet
In the United States was the reason for four withdrawals, the phototoxicity of antibiotics, which turned out until AFTER the drug was approved and the patient had suffered severe skin damage. This does not mean that the remaining fluoroquinolones were not phototoxic.It simply means that the currently approved drugs carry a warning in their package inserts.It says that one should avoid the sun during the therapy. Who does not read the paper and on a sunny day for a walk happy, but unfortunate.

And standard antibiotics increase the photosensitivity of the skin
Therefore would be the best solution - as you might think - still the standard antibiotics such as doxycycline or amoxicillin use, on the (at least not life-threatening) side effects such as diarrhea, destruction of intestinal flora, fungal infections, to "enjoy" etc., and fluoroquinolones really only be used in an emergency. Unfortunately, however, is just doxycycline - one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics - also to those drugs that block the body's protective mechanisms against UV radiation and hence promote skin cancer.

Antibiotics as maintenance therapy for acne?
Doxycycline is often used in long-term treatment of Lyme disease or acne. This means that the patient in question take away this antibiotic over MONTHS. Patients with acne, it is furthermore mostly young people. Apart from the fact that they have to do better in general than to study the package insert of a medication that raises the question whether they should now actually reside for months or even years in the house? Or may be masked only venture into the open? After all, for example, advises the technicians health insurance on their website, they should (avoid apart from the usual activities such as reading the leaflet, Sun 11 to 15 clock, etc.) to prevent phototoxic reactions caused by drugs, but please nice films UV-opaque to the windows of the house and car mount, to indemnify to survive a long-term therapy.

Sun phobia brings vitamin D deficiency
What is the consequence of such forced medication sunlight phobia? Although the patient remained - if they are to keep the advice - from acute skin damage caused by direct sunlight spared, but suffered (for long-term therapy), sooner or later in a chronic and serious vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is normally produced by sunlight affect the human body itself, while the diet to the vitamin D status contributes only a negligible part. A vitamin D deficiency is therefore inevitable when people (have) become couch potatoes. A low vitamin D levels, however, is in turn associated with a variety of diseases. These include osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

WHO recommends antibiotics for the prevention
Antibiotic therapy provides the patient that is in an almost hopeless conflict. On the one hand, he must avoid the sun, on the other hand, can cause very serious illnesses, the lack of sunlight. Under this aspect, it is impossible to understand how it came to the WHO recommendation to use doxycycline for malaria prophylaxis. In other words, the WHO recommends that people wishing to travel to certain regions of the tropics, taking doxycycline preventively against malaria. For this purpose, one should take one tablet daily, starting one week before they leave, then the whole vacation away and another four weeks if you're back at home. Unfortunately, the WHO did not bother to explain how it should be possible during a vacation in the sunny tropics quite well known, but to avoid the sun because of the long-term use of doxycycline.

What really causes skin cancer?
With today's widespread long-term use phototoxic or photocarcinogenic effective medications for chronic, not acutely life-threatening disease is the vehement question, whether the years steadily growing number of skin cancer cases are not much more with these drugs together is as that of all sides pesky sun.

Breaking new ground
Especially with chronic diseases should take into account that there are quite well off the conventional medical therapies paths. These are therapies that - activate the self-protection and self-healing mechanisms of the body and not weaken it as - in contrast to the above-mentioned drugs. Antibiotics are unavoidable, while one should be particularly nutrient-rich diet and basenüberschüssige be practiced in order to assist the body in this way at least positive. Following the antibiotic therapy can also be taken actions that serve to detoxify, leading to the restoration of intestinal flora and build and strengthen the people in general again.

Thanks For Read.
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Information About Skin Cancer

Cancer that is formed in the tissues of the skin is known as Skin Cancer. It is one of the most common kinds of cancer that affects men and women. This cancer affects about a million people every year and there are many factors that cause this including excessive sun exposure, tanning, weak immune systems, etc. Read on to get a complete awareness of this most common form of cancer and on steps to prevent it.

How is skin cancer caused?

When the skin cells modify and multiply in an abnormal fashion, the uncontrollable growth causes the development of a mass known as a tumor. This tumor that occurs in the skin is also known as a lesion and these cancerous growths are malignant in nature which causes the destruction of adjacent cells leading to random growth. These tumors flow through the blood stream and affect other remote organs also during the advanced stages of skin cancer.

Types of skin cancer

Skin cancer is divided into two kinds depending on their ability to spread around. The two types of skin cancer are non-melanoma and melanoma. Non-melanoma includes the type basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma in it.

1. Melanoma - The cancer that affects the melanocytes or the skin cells that create the pigments.
2. Basal cell carcinoma - The cancer that affects the lower part of the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin.
3. Squamous cell carcinoma - The cancer that affects the squamous cells or the flat cells that form the skin surface.

Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma normally do not spread to other parts of the body whereas melanoma is a dangerous form of skin cancer which spreads to other parts of the body. The major ratio and the most common type of skin cancer are the carcinoma types with the aggressive melanoma forming the least portion.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

The symptoms of skin cancer are skin changes which take time to heal along with ulcers. Sometimes skin discoloration and changes to moles on the skin can also been seen. The most common symptom is a small lump that is shiny and pale in color or a firm red lump. Some types of cancer also are associated with rough and scaly patches or flat scaly patches of red or brown color. Also beware of any new suspicious growth and consult a physician in such cases. Though these growths are most of the times painless, they can also be painful at times.

A smooth round bump is normally developed on the head, shoulder or neck with signs of crusting and bleeding with development of the tumor in cases of basal cell carcinoma. In squamous cell carcinoma, a thick red color patch along with ulcer and bleeding can be developed. Brown or blackish lesions are formed in cases of melanomas. The lesion exhibits change in size, color or shape as a symptom of the melanoma becoming malignant.

Diagnosis of Skin Cancer

This cancer is diagnosed by the physician in two main methods. The first and the most common method is the skin examination. In this method the doctor looks out for any abnormal growth or irregularity in the skin. This can be followed by a biopsy in case of finding any abnormal growth. In case of biopsy, the affected area or abnormal growth is well studied under a microscope to check for the presence of cancerous cells.

Treatment of Skin Cancer

Surgery is one effective method for the treatment of non-melanoma cancer types. The complete procedure of surgical treatment begins with surgery and includes follow-up methods of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In the surgical methods, the lesion and a calculated amount of tissues around it is removed so as to make the body tumor free. The Moh's micrographic surgery is one effective technique that is used for this process.

Prevention of Skin cancer

Early diagnosis and detection can help treat skin cancer before it turns dangerous and hence self evaluation of your skin on a regular basis is a must on a frequent basis. Look for any kind of abnormal changes, discoloration or growth in your skin. You can also undertake a doctor visit once a year to detect any signs or symptoms of cancer. In certain cases of high-risk situations, you can consult a skin specialist on a regular basis to screen for this cancer.

Skin cancer can be prevented by adopting a few basic tips which can be very useful in your daily life.

1. Use Sunscreens - 90% of the skin cancers are known to be caused by harmful UV radiations and sunscreens are the best protector when you are someone who spends a lot of time outdoors. UV rays damage our cell DNA structure and modify them making them cancerous. Minimize outings during the time when the sun is at its brightest. Also try to maintain your presence within the shade where ever possible. But even if you are in a shade, remember to wear your sunscreen,
2. Avoid excessive tanning - Artificial lights as in tanning beds, lamps and booths, all contain UV rays and increase the chances of melanoma.
3. Wear protective dressings - Though sunscreens do protect, you can consider wearing protective dressings like a hat or sunglasses, which can protect your eyes and facial skin from the sun.
4. Avoid childhood sunburns - Most of the times, a burn during your childhood can increase your risk of being affected with skin cancer along the years as you grow. Thus it is required that you monitor kids when they are in the sun reducing their exposure.
5. Eat healthy - A weak immune system is a ready agent for skin cancer. Make sure that you include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables so as to improve your body's immunity power.

People who run a higher risk of Skin cancer

Though many people are equally exposed to the chances of this cancer, there are a few who run a higher risk. Individuals with a family medical history of skin cancer or those who possess fair skin tone and freckles run a higher risk. Also people who are addictive to tanning and spend a lot of hours outdoors in the sun along with a weak immune system also possess equal risks of getting this cancer.

For more information about Skin Cancer please visit our site

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Different Type of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a condition where the skin cells fail to grow and replace damaged cells. Once these cells combine, they form a continuously growing tumor which can either be benign or malignant.

Most skin tumors are benign but though rare, malignant skin tumors are one of deadliest because they quickly spread to the brain. Skin cancer starts in the epidermis or the outermost portion of the skin which is formed by three kinds of cells - the squamous, basal and melanocytes. The type of skin cancer depends on what particular epidermis cell has been infected.

Squamous cells are flat cells composed of keratin and are the outmost layer of the skin. Growth of cancer cells in this area is relatively slow. However, squamous cell carcinoma is a serious type of cancer since it can reach vital organs. This is why it is best for the disease to be treated at its onset. First stages of squamous cell carcinoma only spread up to the lymph nodes which are components of the body that can trap dead cells. The cancer cells can be removed together with the nodes that trapped them. But if the cells successfully destroy the lymph nodes, the spread of the cancer will accelerate. Open wounds that do not heal are signs of squamous cell carcinoma.

The second type of skin cancer is Basal cell carcinoma which is the most common of the three types. About 90% of skin cancer cases start at the basal cells which function as reservoir in case the squamous cells are shed off. Basal cell carcinoma rarely spreads with just 0.1% chance of reaching areas outside the basal cells. Basal cell carcimonas are usually found in the hands, neck and facial skin with symptoms of rashes, yellowish scars and bleeding sores.

Squamous and basal cell carcinomas are collectively termed Nonmelanoma cancers to separate them from the last and most fatal type of skin cancer which is Melanoma. Melanoma cancer is already malignant at its onset and it spreads rapidly. 75% of rare skin cancer deaths are due to tumor in the melanocytes. Melanocyte cells are responsible for the color of the skin. About 160,000 worldwide - mostly females - are diagnosed with this cancer and 30% of these cases lead to death. Melanoma can develop on almost all parts of the body but is frequently observed in the arms and legs. The first stages of melanoma are still treatable and are accompanied by noticeable symptoms such as sudden growth of freckles and moles. Old moles tend to grown continuously. In advance stages of melanoma, moles become itchy and may also start to bleed. There will also be alterations in color and can grown to about 6mm.

The best protection against any type of skin cancer is avoiding too much exposure to radiation. UV lights and rays of the sun can already cause skin diseases. A weak immune system can also lead to cancer. Weak bodies tend to attract more parasites which trigger diseases. Frail immune systems can be caused by other sicknesses or allergic reactions to medicine. Exposure to chemicals such as hydrocarbon in tar is also said to cause squamous cell carcinoma.

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Cancema Skin Cancer

Cancema, the black salve. Sounding like something out of a nightmare or a horror book, cancema is rather considered by many to be a tremendous combatant against skin cancer. It is interesting to note that it is used not only to combat skin cancer in people but in their pets as well.

Cancema is completely natural. Also known as bloodroot, cancema is a medication that history points to as having been used by Native Americans to fight skin cancer It is primarily known to have been used for this purpose by the Abanaki tribes on the upper east coast, the Ojibwe tribes, living near Lake Superior and the Cherokee tribes, living further to the south. For this reason, cancema is also known as Indian mud

By whatever name it is known, it is believed by many to be one of the best healers of skin cancer.

Many people who have used Cancema, are at first horrified by the way it seems to work. The moles or whatever form of skin cancer upon which it is put react in what is by site a horrific way. The areas turn into pussing, oozing sores, then they heal up, leaving deep cavities in their place. As terrible as these seem, the, the deep cavities heal and the skin smooths over, As the skin cancer seems to be healed, those people who were at first repulsed and offended by the appearance of the healing area, become amongst the biggest supporters of Cancema.

Upon applying the Cancema to the cancerous areas, it is important to cover the area with some sort of bandaging. A soft, cotton wrap is often recommended. White is the best, to avoid any dye getting into the open wounds. Some people take a white sock and cut the foot part off and pull the sock up over the bandaging, taping the sock right to the bandaging. It is important to remember not to put tape upon the skin itself.

Cancema in the form in which it can be purchased, is made from the bloodroot and from ginger combined, both in their natural states.

More and more in today's world, people are leaving what we know as traditional medicines in favor of their natural counterparts. Are they making wise decisions? Only time will tell and then we will always wonder, "Well would it have healed anyway?"

Cancema is viewed by many to be one of the best combatants in the world against different forms of skin cancer. If you consider using it, investigate wisely. Talk to your doctor, talk to those who have used it in the past. Get their impressions and then make your decision. Is the black salve a nightmare or a dream come true in the matter of successfully fighting skin cancer.

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How Ordinary Moles Can Turn Cancerous


By definition, a mole is a lesion found on or under a person's skin. The skin mole has nevus cells. Moles are typically acquired during the early stages of an individual's life, sometimes vanishing during the middle age.

The average person may have somewhere between 10 and 40 moles. The most common kind of moles are moles that occur above the surface of the skin, flat moles, and skin tags. Skin moles that lie in the dermis are embedded in the skin and those that on or covered by the epidermis rest on the skin's outer layer. They're usually benign and range in size, color, texture, and may occur at any part of the body. Although most skin moles are oval and not larger than a pea or raisin. However, some of them may resemble malignant skin lesions since they show a different color with an amorphous shape.

What is melanoma?

Some moles are melanomas which are harmful tumors that are a type of skin cancer. Although it's less common than other kinds of skin cancer, it's considered the deadliest form. Diagnosis is more prevalent in women that live in warm climates, as excessive exposure to the sun is one of the top causes of melanoma. Fair-skinned people with light-colored hair and eyes are also more at risk. This is such because the skin is less resistant towards the grueling and harsh rays of the sun which may or may not contain ultraviolet light, which further increases the chances of developing melanoma.

What are causes of cancerous moles?

While ultraviolet (UV) light exposure is usually the culprit of the most typical cause of cancerous moles, there's also other ways to become afflicted with melanoma. Tanning beds are another common cause, as well as extreme exposure to x-rays. Additionally, those who have impaired immune systems from taking various medications at once are more susceptible to fall victim to melanoma. Frequent contact with chemicals in oil, soot, and tar are contributors as well.

How are cancerous moles diagnosed?

Dermatologists are skin specialists that are most likely to detect melanoma. They may run diagnostic tests if they see symptoms, such as darkish blue coloring and irregular shaped moles, on the skin. Most indications are easy to spot with the naked eye, and it's important to act on clues early to prevent metastasis or the spread of cancer to other organs.

What treatments are available for cancerous moles?

There's several forms of treatment for cancerous moles that are often performed by nuclear medicine technologists or plastic surgeons. Many people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to have their mole(s) removed. Some endure chemo and/or immunotherapy while radiation therapy may work better for others.

Check out my website for more information on cancerous moles.

Please visit Mole Removal Techniques for more insights on mole removal tips and techniques.

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